Live Streaming

As we look to begin the school year in a virtual format, parents/guardians are notified that classes will be live streamed and recorded. As such, families should not expect privacy in the area where virtual instruction is taking place. Students are expected to have their cameras on and to participate in live sessions. Only students in a particular class will have access to the live streaming or recorded sessions.

Parents and students are prohibited from recording classes or sharing Zoom links in any forum, public or private.

To enhance a family’s privacy, students and parents may elect to use headphones with a microphone to eliminate background noises; set up their workspace so that the student is situated in front of a blank wall; and/or enable an appropriate Zoom background image to be visible in place of the student's actual background.

During this difficult time, the Radnor Township School District is committed to providing high-quality remote instruction and appropriate and reasonable services for students while our school districts offer online and hybrid instruction due to COVID-19. One method of doing so is providing instruction and related services, to the extent it is appropriate, through video conferencing and other virtual/online platforms. RTSD has made reasonable efforts to ensure that such conferencing is confidential, and access is limited to students in the assigned groups. However, some of these services will be provided in a group format and when this occurs students will be able to see other students in the group. In addition, RTSD is unable to control who else may be in the room in which a student is receiving these services remotely, including other family members or others who are living with the other students, who may observe the session and what other students are in the group. RTSD expects that all families ensure the confidentiality rights of all students are protected during in group communications, and/or video conferencing by:

  • ensuring that no one other than the student scheduled to participate in a virtual attendance service can see or hear the virtual attendance service,

  • not photographing or audio or video recording of virtual instruction and refrain from posting images, video, or audio on personal social media,

  • if parental or other third-party involvement in a virtual attendance service is necessary to enable a student to participate, the individual assisting the student shall not re-disclose any personally identifiable information about any student involved in the virtual attendance activity.

Many teachers will be using web conferencing tools such as Schoology, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams to meet with their student groups. These tools are free or paid subscription cloud conferencing solutions that can be used for small or large group meetings. These platforms allow for robust audio, video, file, and screen sharing. They also foster interaction with collaborative editing, polling, and breakout rooms. Teachers will record meetings and make them available to students by securely posting them in within Schoology.

Schoology, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams are COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and FERPA (Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act) compliant.