Substitute Teacher Page
Here's some helpful information for substitute teachers:
Badges - Substitute teachers will stop by the main office in the school you are subbing in and attain a substitute badge. The badge needs to be visible somewhere on your person when in school; badges can be in a plastic cover/case on a lanyard to hung from a clip on a belt or pocket.
Visitors to your classroom: People who visit your classroom to run an activity for your students need to check in the office to sign in and receive a visitor badge. They need to sign out on the way out once they have completed their activity.
Communication - Substitute Teachers who go outside with students will let the office know they are going out, and will confirm a means of communication with the office staff in case of an emergency (walkie talkie or cell phone).
Locked doors - Substitute teachers will not prop open doors when going out and must use a key or keyless card/fob to re-enter the building. Please coordinate with the main office of the building you are subbing in to get a key or key card.
Classroom folder - All classrooms should have a folder that contains class lists and other materials needed for a substitute to use during the day and in an emergency. Please find the folder when subbing in a room before the day begins.
Go Bag - Substitute will where the classroom Go Bag is and be ready to get it when they are required to evacuate the building quickly.
Personal Items - Have your car keys/phone/personal items ready to grab during an emergency evacuation.
Substitute Teachers should be familiar with the check-in procedures and who to report to during an evacuation. Please talk with your principal of secretary to find out how this process works in the various schools.