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Our Team

Dr. Laura Miller, Coordinator


(207) 338-1960

We are here to serve families and children in our community. Please contact me at any time to share ideas, ask question or if you have a problem or concern.


Sharon Clark


Sarah Bowen


East Belfast

Beth French

East Belfast

Kara Burke


Beth Carter


Sarah Mitchell


Lisa Brita



Gerri Winslow


 Title l is a federally funded program.   We provide supplemental instruction for K-5 students who are struggling to meet grade-level expectations.  All of our elementary schools provide school wide support so all students can benefit.   In school wide schools, Title l funds are also used to upgrade the entire educational program in a school.  Another important component of Title l is to work with families so that additional skills practice also takes place at home.  School Advisory Committees consisting of parents, teachers, and administrators plan events that showcase how regular home routines can incorporate reading, writing, and math skills in a fun and engaging manner.  We love our work with you and your student.

Here is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Comprehensive Needs Assessment and SAU Consolidated Plan for RSU #71:

RSU #71 Comprehensive Needs Plan Revised May 2022, June 2021, June 2020, Revised May 2019, 2018/2019