K-5 Elementary Resources

Resources for our littles and the ones who love them!

Community Resource of the Week!

When there is a sudden loss, as adults, we sometimes we don't know what to do or say. Nothing feels right. There are so many emotions that come up for us and our children- Sadness, fear, anger. The best thing you can do for your child is to create a safe space to share their feelings, whatever they may be. 

The Center for Grieving Children is an amazing resource -for more information., click below.

Great family resources! 

These three organizations have merged together to provide the best services to families in our community! I could really go on about this organization, they provide so much, but today I really wanted to share all of the great family support opportunities. My experience has been with their onsite programs, and they have been excellent, non judgmental and informative! Like all of us, they have needed to shift to a virtual mode, and I am impressed by their offerings.  Also take the time to peruse some of their other services while you are at it.

Play at Home!

#Playathome Playworks Initiative 

Recess Everyday from Home!

