Art 2

This class will continue work that you began in art 1 such as exploring how elements and principles of art can be used to create unique and thought provoking artwork. You will continue to explore new ideas, methods, and mediums while utilizing some of the information you gained last year. While some projects will be highly structured many will give you more choice and allow you to make decisions of which direction you would like to take the project. We will continue to work on critiquing art and making connections to art and our lives, and the lives of others.

Click HERE to view class syllabus.


Elements and Principles Impact on Art

Still Life (Large Scale Color): Unit ~ Summative Assessment

Communicating Meaning (Pen and Ink): Unit ~ Summative Assessment

Self Portrait (Timehop): Unit ~ Summative Assessment

Effective Art (Metamorphosis)- Unit ~ Summative Assessment

3D Art (Mask)- Unit ~ Summative Assessment

Through the Ages (4 Artist)- Unit ~ Summative Assessment

Aesthetics and Critique (Compositional Art)- Unit ~ Summative Assessment

Portfolio Piece (Independent Project) - Unit ~ Summative Assessment