Collection & unboxing of the pld

collecting & unboxing of the pld

date for collection & unboxing of the PLD

The Riverside PLD Unboxing Experience will take place over two days tentatively in Term 2 Week 2.

Day 1 (After School - 2 hours)

Students will be issued their PLDs and be instructed on routines on the use of the PLD during this session.

Day 2 (After School - 1 hour)

Students will be taught basic iPad handling skills and visual note-taking during this session.

All students are required to attend both sessions.

Details will be communicated in due time via Parents Gateway.

Students who will be using parent-owned devices are required to bring their devices to the school library in Term 2 Week 1 for assessment of suitability and installation of Device Management Application. Students are still required to attend both sessions of the Riverside PLD Unboxing Experience.

use of the PLD in School

daily routines on using the ipad in school 

To help our students learn effectively with their Personal Learning Devices, several school-wide routines have been introduced.

A poster and a short video of these routines are attached here for students' reference.

PLD Routines 1.1.pdf

Routines poster

PLD Routines Video.mp4

Routines video