wOLFRAMITE (Tungsten)

Tungsten is used in phones to make the phone vibrate. this is by being the counterweight mechanism which is then used to make the vibration motor.

Wolframite (the mineral) can be found in Canada in the Northwest Territories near the town of Tungsten. This mine uses underground mining. The largest global producer is china which produces 70,000 tons of tungsten every year.

Tungsten is commonly used in light bulbs and other light sources. It also has the highest melting point of all metals and is used in very high pressure/heat situations. Tungsten is a non renewable resource on any human timescale.

There is a total of 3,400,000 tons of tungsten in the world. The majority of the tungsten is in china followed by Russia and Vietnam.

China processes most of the world's Wolframite into tungsten. Wolframite is processed by heating it up to 800 degrees then putting it in sodium carbonate then removing it and putting it in sodium sulfide and then finally by putting it in a mostly kerosene mixture.