
In the spirit of friendship within the musical community, the home team's band serves a snack to the visitor's band during the 3rd quarter of every football game. Every school has their own way of doing this. One school might grill hot dogs, another may furnish chips and pop. In Rocky River, snacks are provided by the parents of each and every band member. 

 Sign up to help serve Hospitality HERE


When students arrive for their Friday night check-in, they bring their snack to the Hospitality vehicle (it is usually parked outside the music wing doors as you drop off your student). Set-up volunteers drive the snacks to the field, and set up the hospitality tent and tables. Halfway through 2nd quarter, the Hospitality volunteers set out the snacks and pour the drinks.  We try to finish by half-time so that the volunteers can watch the show from the sidelines. After the half-time show is over, the visiting band arrives for a snack and drink. Once the visiting band has finished, the Rocky River kids help themselves too. There's always plenty, and our kids have never gone hungry, but the rule of Hospitality is that the visitors eat first. Most of the time, students will come back for seconds and there is always more than enough for that.


What we ask is that each member be represented by 6-12 snack portions. It helps the Hospitality crew if you divide the portions before bringing them, but we do the best that we can with the time and resources available to us. If we absolutely can't serve something (like a whole cake), we will send the snack to the after-game Band Party. In fact, that's what we do with ALL the perishable leftovers, so you don't need to worry about anything going to waste. The non-perishable leftovers are stored until the next game.
Favorite Snacks:GrapesApplesCarrots/CeleryCheese Sticks or Cubes (please pre-cut cheese blocks)CrackersSwedish Fish (a marching band signature snack)Individual Chips & PretzelsDonutsTwinkiesCookiesMini-Bagels w/cream cheeseRice Krispie bars (homemade go like wildfire!)
Sandwiches (These are the most popular item, and the most expensive/time-consuming to make. So, if each family could plan on providing about 3 dozen for one home game, we would be in great shape. They work best when made on small slider buns, and please somehow indicated what is in/on the sandwiches)
Please do NOT Bring anything with chocolate, or things like Cheetos!  We can't serve those items because they stain the uniforms. We will send anything chocolate to the after-game Band Party after testing it to make sure it's as good as it looks ;)