Our Progress

Week 1: 1/5-1/12

The mechanical team this week has been making the most progress. Construction of the robot drive has already begun. In addition, progress has been made with prototyping-- both the shop and mechanical team have been working together to make claw prototypes from wood and digital 3D models.

Mechanical team working hard together to design a model claw on Blender.

The shop team continues to make progress in building the two platforms the team needs to test the robot on. The platforms will give the team extra points at the end of the match if they can successfully get the robot on top of them. The shop team is working hard to ensure the platforms are sturdy and accurate to the dimensions of those in the competition's course.

Electrical team has made progress with organizing this year's wires and cables. They also have been working on rewiring last year's robot, after an accidental deconstruction, so that they can test their new design ideas with it.

The old robot is almost done being rewired, nearly ready to be used as the team's next test subject.

Marketing began drafting safety posters for the shop lab, hoping to create an easy to read design while only displaying the most useful information.

Shop team is rebuilding the platforms that our robots must begin and end on.

This wooden claw prototype was created by shop team.

The marketing team has a strong start while already beginning to revamp the robotic's website from last year. So far the Deep Space progress page is set up and the About page has begun to be redesigned.

Marketing is working hard on drafting the first design of this very page.

Week 2: 1/12-1/19

Shop team is prototyping the claw design that was created last week. Meanwhile, other members are working on recreating the rockets so that the team can use it for practice and testing of shooting mechanisms.

Electrical organizing and connecting batteries.

The mechanical team is almost done putting together the base.


The team begins to prototype designs that will lead fellow alliance robots to the top platform. After rewiring the old robot, the team successfully drove it along a ramp designated to reach the highest platform. With this success, the team hopes to integrate this design into the final robot.

Week 3: 1/19-1/26

Week 3 was a slow week due to a couple of snow days and several students out due to a band field trip.

Shop team began testing out their prototype. The most important thing the trio is looking for is that the prototype is able to capture and hold the cargo. The biggest difficulty here was holding the prototype vertically and still.

Other members are working on cutting out holes to attach the hatches onto. Once these panels are finished, the rocket will be nearly ready to test with.

Week 4: 1/26-2/2

The prototype is finally coming together. Our team decided to recycle the arms from last year and reattach them to a separate piece of wood to test arm distances and angles.

Mechanical team is working on testing intakes on last years robot. The team is hoping that if we can successfully remodel the robot to pick up cargo then we can use a similar design for this year's competition.

Week 5: 2/2 - 2/9

The recreation of the rocket is finally complete. The team has now begun to put full focus into working on their prototypes for a complete robot.

Week 6: 2/9-2/16

Shop is prototyping a new and easier design for the cargo. The idea is to scoop up the cargo rather than to grab it with a claw. This design is more plausible for the time that the team has left to build.

Programming has been working hard throughout the season. This week the program is almost complete, the only thing left is getting the final touches on the mechanics.

Bumper fabrication was also stated during this week.