504 News

Hello Parents & Guardians! This school year in an effort to make the process run smoother for me to address concerns, yearly reviews, and triennial re-evaluations, I will be using this website to share important announcements. My plan this year is to quickly grant teachers the needed access to your student's IAP. After that, the focus will shift to scheduling meetings or phone conferences to review current IAP's based the dates on the current plan. If you have any concerns prior to being contacted by me, please reach out to me through email so that I can schedule time to address those concerns. I ask that you remember I am the only 504 coordinator for the school, and that I do this in addition to teaching a full schedule. So please keep that in mind, and allow me 48 hours to respond to your email. This gives me time to gather data to best address the concerns before replying. That said, I have included a list of information so you know what to expect at present. Please read over the items listed.

Be In the Know:

  • Please be advised that on Friday, August 12, 2022, all teachers are given access to the IAP's of their 10th - 12th grade students.

  • As for 9th grade students, we grant access to those IAP's as we receive them from the student's previous school. This process takes a little while, but rest assured that your child is coded in PowerSchool so that teachers are made aware to check with your student on their needs/accommodations in the meantime.

  • All IAP's were successfully updated last school year, and they were updated in PowerSchool as well for testing purposes. The testing coordinator, as well as the district 504 coordinator, both double checked them to make sure there were no discrepancies.

  • If you feel like your child may need 504 services, you should contact Ms. Mackey (our SBLC chair) to schedule a meeting to discuss those concerns.

  • If your student was recommended to 504 for further evaluation at the May SBLC meetings last school year, please note that those IAP's will be completed by the end of August. Please be looking for correspondence in the near future.