Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Resources

Equity has been one of the RP Group’s long-standing core values. However, we have come to recognize that it is not enough to promote equity; we must proactively work to oppose inequity to bring about social justice changes within the educational system. The RP Group must capitalize on its unique position as both a provider of research and professional development, and as a representative body for IRPE professionals to advance equity and drive systemic change.

The RP Group Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee has developed a framework whereby we can monitor our progress in achieving our goals, develop professional development that will help us advance equity, and help RP Group staff better represent equity in our research. In order to advance our mission and support IRPE practitioners, we are curating resources to help researchers better incorporate equity and equitable practices into their research. These resources are organized based on our advancing equity framework. While we have lightly vetted these materials, the RP Group does not specifically endorse any of the materials and the points of view expressed are those of the authors.

Advancing equity is a holistic approach and requires us to examine, scrutinize, and rebuild the various systems that were built to benefit one group and disadvantage others. Within our system, racial identity is frequently the most salient indicator of advantage and oppression. As such, in order to advance equity broadly, our work must begin with race and how it intersects or interacts with other characteristics. As IRPE professionals we have a privilege and responsibility to go beyond identifying gaps in outcomes to use the data to inform actions that eliminate these gaps. 

If you have additional resources that you would like to see included in the EDI Resource Library, please use the form linked below.

Please only submit one resource per entry.

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