Equity Minded

Equity-Minded is a perspective or lens underpinning the operations of the organization that centers on recognizing and redressing systems of oppression in its policies, practices, and actions. This underpinning includes self-reflection, examining and prioritizing who is/has been most directly impacted, and interrogating the status quo to ensure equity is at the forefront of the work.

We demonstrate equity-mindedness by:

When possible, we provide a preview of the resource, but please note that some resources do not allow a preview.

Fostering Culture

Designing Equity-Centered Organizational Values.pdf
How to Promote Racial Equity in the Workplace.pdf
IES Director_ Acting on Diversity.pdf
operationalizing_racial_justice_in nonprofits.pdf
How to Tackle Race at Your Organization - The Chronicle of Philanthropy.pdf

Equity Minded Practices

Equity Conscious Terms.docx

Developing Resources

Listening for Change Evaluators of Color Speak out About Experiences With Foundations and Evaluation Firms.pdf