
Animals Around Us: Animals Adaptations, What Are They? YouTube video from United Learning

You At the Zoo-Plant Adaptations YouTube video

PBS Natureworks Adaptation

Plant Adaptations StudyJams video

Animal Adaptations StudyJams video

Hedgehog Adaptations Sciencing website (Web Surfing Science, part 1)

Tundra Animals: Arctic Fox website (Web Surfing Science, part 3)

Switch Zoo Animal Games

Animal Adaptations Interactive website

Our Wild Neighbors interactive website

Build A Bird Project Beak interactive website

Wild Kratts PBS Kids interactive website

Animal Characteristics Game

How Are Animals Adapted to Their Environment? e-learning for kids interactive website

Blue Planet Biomes (plant and animal research)

Animals National Geographic Kids (animal research)

Kids Do Ecology (biome/ecosystem research)

Mission: Biomes NASA Earth Observatory (biome/ecosystem research)

Biomes/Habitats Enchanted Learning (biome/habitat research)

The Animal Spot (animal research)

San Diego Zoo (animal research) (animal research)

Adaptations Flippity Vocabulary Review Games

Learning Goal: We can classify matter based on physical properties, including mass, magnetism, physical state (solid, liquid, and gas), relative density (sinking and floating), solubility in water, and the ability to conduct or insulate thermal energy or electric energy

Ice in a Bag NSTA video

What's Matter

Properties of Matter StudyJams video

Measuring Matter BrainPop video

Interactive Triple Beam Balance Gizmos (5 minutes free per day)

States of Matter BrainPop video

Solids, Liquids, and Gases StudyJams video

States of Matter:Basics BrainPop interactive

Magnetism StudyJams slideshow

Fun with Magnets SciShow Kids YouTube video

Magnet Hunt BrainPop game

Steve Spangler Density Column video

Liquid Density Fun Science for Kids Video

Animation: Learning about Density

Dissolve Song

5.5A Classifying Matter Flippity

Thermal Conductors and Insulators Video

Learning Goal: We can explain how the sun and ocean interact in the water cycle.

The Water Cycle StudyJams

Water Cycle BrainPop video

Groundwater BrainPop video

The Water Cycle HBF Kidzone lesson

Water Cycle Quiz

The Sun and the Water Cycle NASA illustrated book

Learning Goal: We can differentiate between weather and climate.

Weather BrainPop video

Weather and Climate StudyJams video

Climate and Weather National Geographic video

Temperature BrainPop video

Humidity BrainPop

Climate Change BrainPop video

Weather Forecasting Weather Wiz Kids

Climate Weather Wiz Kids

Weather & Climate Quizizz

Create a Graph

Review Activities Providence Elementary School


The Web of Life Kids Planet lesson

Food Chains BrainPop video

Food Chains StudyJams video

Food Chains Kid's Corner lesson

Food Webs StudyJams video

Food Webs Crash Course Kids YouTube video

Food Webs YouTube video

Environment and Food Web Flippity 5.9AB

Learning Goal: We can demonstrate that light travels in a straight line until is strikes an object or travels through one medium to another and demonstrate that light can be reflected such as the use of mirrors or other shiny surfaces and refracted such as the appearance of an object when observed through water.

Study Jams Reflection & Refraction

Alien Attack! Interactive Game

Learning Goal: We can demonstrate that the flow of electricity requires a complete path through which an electric current can pass and produce light, heat, and sound.

Learing Goal: We can design an experiment to test the effects of force on an object.

Learning Goal: We can explore the processes that led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels.

Sedimentary Rocks Video Make Me a Genius

Sedimentary Rocks BBC reading and animation

How Coal Is Formed Environment for Kids animation

How Oil Is Formed Environment for Kids animation

Natural Gas Energy Kids

Sedimentary Rocks - Under the Sea YouTube video

Sedimentary Rocks Video YouTube video

The Formation of Coal 3D YouTube video

Oil and Gas Formation

StudyJams Sedimentary Rock

StudyJams Fossil Fuels

The Making of Sedimentary Rock

Relative Rock Layers Science Learning reading and animations

Fossil Fuels for Kids video

Learning Goal: We can recognize how landforms such as canyons, deltas, and sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth's surface by wind, water, and ice.

We can identify fossils as evidence of past living organisms and the nature of the environment at the time using models.

5.7C identify alternative energy resources such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biofuels.

Learning Goal: We can demonstrate that the Earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours causing the day/night cycle and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky.

As the Earth Turns Beacon Learning Center Web Lesson

Day and Night MetLink Animation

Sunrise, Sunset Beacon Learning Center Web Lesson

A Day on Earth StudyJams video lesson

5.8C Flippity

5.8 Quizizz

Learning Goal: We can identify and compare the physical characteristics of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.

Earth, Sun, Moon game

Exploring the Earth, Sun, and Moon Visual Learning Systems video

Learning Goal: We can observe the way organisms live and survive in their ecosystem by interacting with the living and nonliving elements.

Learning Goal: We can demonstrate the flow of energy through a food web.

Learning Goal: We can predict the effects of changes in ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or the building of highways.

Limiting Factors NatureWorks

Humans and Their Environment BBC

Habitat Loss National Wildlife Federation

Changes in Ecosystems StudyJams video

Learning Goal: We can compare the structures and functions of different species that help them live and survive such as hooves on prairie animals or webbed feet in aquatic animals.

Learning Goal: We can differentiate between inherited traits of plant and animals and learned behaviors.

Basic Genetics Learn Genetics website (Web Surfing Science part 1)

Offspring Traits Utah Education Network (Web Surfing Science part 2)

Inherited and Acquired Traits video (Web Surfing Science part 3)

Learning Goal: We can describe the differences between complete and incomplete metamorphosis.

Arthropod Morphology (Web Surfing Science part 1)

Gadget Science (Web Surfing Science part 2)

Metamorphosis (Web Surfing Science part 3)

Metamorphosis (YouTube video)

Complete v. Incomplete Metamorphosis (YouTube video)