School Counseling at Voigt

The Voigt Comprehensive School Counseling Program provides tiered support services to all students on the campus to help them develop their skills in the areas of academics, career development, and social-emotional learning. School counselors work with teachers, families, administrators, and students to help students master various skills and competency areas through their PK-12 educational career. A combination of direct and indirect services are provided to ensure that all students receive guidance lessons, responsive services, individualized planning, and a supportive school system that ensure that the school counseling program is organized, data-driven, and efficient.  

The Round Rock ISD Counseling Program is based on the ASCA National Model

All students will receive guidance lessons taught by the school counselor that addresses the mindsets and behaviors of the ASCA Student Standards. Because early intervention is critical to future success, our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will receive additional lessons about emotions, self-regulation, and making friends. Students will also receive direct instruction in social-emotional skills through weekly lessons taught by the classroom teacher from the research-based Second Step curriculum. Additionally, specific lessons will be taught about targeted topics based on a needs assessment survey. 

Based on universal screener results and individual student needs, students may get more targeted services through small group lessons and short-term individual counseling. Teachers, parents, and students themselves can make referrals to the school counselor to determine the need for these targeted services. 

For students and families who need support outside of the scope of the school counseling program, referrals to other district services or outside agencies will be made. The school counselor works with the Families in Transition (homeless) program, the Backpack Coalition, and the district social workers to advocate for the needs of students who need these specialized programs.