Social Studies

Social Studies - Economics Project

The students will use what they are learning about Economics to create an original business aimed at the Third Graders at Teravista. The students will share their learning by writing and creating a simple business and advertisement. We are encouraging students to come up with a good that would cost little to nothing. This will be helpful when we are explaining how profit is made only after expenses are taken out. Your child needs to only make 20 goods (not enough for the entire 3rd grade). The students will actually get to keep all the goods purchased. Each third grader will be given $2.00 in “fake money” to buy from the market. Please look over the dates and help your child with their project.

Ideas for Goods: hand-made picture frames, pet rocks, home-made play dough, hand-made flowers, hand-made book marks, etc. If your child needs construction paper or something you think we might have, let us know so we can send that home. Pinterest is a great place to get a plethora of ideas!

It is important when choosing an idea that the cost of the supplies is taken into consideration. Students will use the expenses later to calculate their total profit (Amount Earned - Total Expenses = Profit).

Due Dates:

Friday, March 29th - Business Idea Due

  • Students come up with a good that they’d like to sell to their class (no food, please). Remember that your child only is allowed a total of 20 goods. Please make sure you and your child have really thought about it. We will make a list of what each person is selling. Once you tell the class your idea, you must stick to it.

Friday, May 3rd - Business Plan Due

  • We will be filling out most of the plan together in class. However, there are some parts that will need to be filled out at home with parent support.
  • Business Plan

Monday, May 13th - Advertisement Due

  • Each student will need to create a persuasive advertisement for their product aimed at their targeted consumers which will be their classmates (print ad for magazine or newspaper, commercial, or poster). Make sure that all essential information is included (description, cost and location). The finished advertisement is due today. The students will present to the class their business plan and advertisement next week.

Week of May 13th thru 17th- Advertisement Presentations

  • Be prepared to give a 1-2 minute presentation about your product. Bring a sample. This is your chance to persuade the class to buy your good on shopping day.

Friday, May 17th- Bring Goods to School (STAAR week)

  • Student will set up their goods for the third grade to buy (Every student will get the same amount of “fake money” to spend on this day). We will be shopping/selling on Tuesday, May 21st!

Tuesday, May 21st - Shopping Day/Reflection (Last week of school)

  • Students use the reflection template to: tell how much they sold, why or why not and how they could of improved the selling of their product. They will record their personal experience. This will be done in class.