All About Third Grade

The ABC's of Our Classroom

‍Absences: If your child is absent, they must bring a written excuse with them upon their return to school.

‍Agenda: Students will be asked to keep an agenda for the school year. The agenda is a critical tool and an integral part of the home-to-school communication. Students will record their assignments daily and will be expected to have a parent sign the agenda nightly. The agenda also serves as an informational tool to parents, a place for students to keep goals, important information and reminders of "The 7 Habits of Happy Kids" as well as a place for any other necessary communication between parents and teacher.

‍Birthdays: If you want to provide a snack to the class on your child's birthday, please feel free to do so. This is not mandatory, however, I do request that you provide me notice prior to the event to avoid a conflict with scheduled school or curriculum activities. All birthday celebrations (involving snacks or not) will take place at the end of the school day. If providing treats, each one needs to be Individually wrapped.

Class Rules: Round Rock ISD and Teravista Elementary school rules are in your student booklet and are expected to be followed. I am a student of the "Love and Logic" philosophy and believe that natural consequences are best and that the disciplinary action of students is based on the individual and the particular incident. Most often, discipline issues are dealt with quickly and appropriately in the classroom and parents are notified via the agenda. Other times, a phone call and/or email home is more appropriate.

‍Conferences: You may schedule a conference at any time during the school year. My conference time is between 9:50 and 10:40 am daily or we can meet after school. Student led conferences will also be scheduled. Your child will be reviewing goals that they have set up and progress made so far. If either of us feels that your child is having difficulty in a subject area, let's get together as soon as possible to put a plan in place to help the student.

‍Correspondence: Feel free to call the classroom to make an appointment to meet with teachers before or after school. During the instructional part of the day, you may leave a message and we will return your call. As a general guideline, teachers do not answer the phone during classroom instruction. If there is an emergency, please call the office at 704-0500 and they will get the message to your teacher. Teachers will call you back if you leave a message, but we can't guarantee that we will receive it before the end of the school day. Many parents have found it just as convenient to email their teacher.

‍Grades: The grading scale is as follows:A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C=70-79 F= 69 and below. Students are allowed to correct failed graded work in order to raise their score on a given assignment and overall average. Student grades can be checked on at home using the school's "Home Access" portal. Please see the Registrar for information on how to set it up.

‍Money: If you need to send money to school for any reason (fundraisers, magazine subscriptions, PTA, clubs, lunch money, etc), please remember that your DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER must be on the check. The office will not accept the check without it.

‍Progress Reports: You will receive a progress report approximately half-way through the nine weeks. This report will let you know where your child stands in each subject area at the time of the report.

‍Report Cards: Report cards go home four times a year or approximately every nine weeks. When a report card comes home, please sign the envelope provided and return to school the following day. You may keep the report card for your records.

Snacks: We will have snack each day in the classroom at approximately 9:50 AM. It is not mandatory for students to bring snacks, however, we do encourage you to pack a nutritional snack should you choose to send one. Students should not bring soda, juice, Gatorade, etc. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day that they can refill as needed. Water is great for the brain! Candy and “messy” snacks (chips/Cheetos, fruit cups, etc.) are also not permitted in an effort to keep our carpets and work areas clean.

‍Supplies: Please look over our School Supply List that is posted on a page to the left. Supplies might need to be replenished as the year progresses.

‍Testing: In the state of Texas, all 3rd graders will take a Reading and Math STAAR test. Math STAAR testis May 14th and the Reading STAAR test is May 15th.

‍Volunteering: There are many ways that parents can help our class. If you'd like to volunteer at school, please make sure you complete the required steps through RRISD. See our Teravista main webpage for more information. Some ways that parents volunteer at school are: as volunteer readers, as extra hands/supervision during special class activities such as "Volcano Day" and game days, helping to copy things for the classroom, volunteering for field trips and parties. Some parents aren't able to volunteer their time, but are willing to provide supplies for special activities such as class parties or for special projects. Please consider becoming a "Room Parent" for our class! Room parents can help prepare items for instruction, organize activities and parties, If you would like to help in any way, please email me. THANK YOU!

Wish List: There are always items that we need in our classroom.