Virtual Relaxation Room

This is a place to find activities to de-stress and find strategies to help you.

Your counselors are here for you. Please email them at any time or complete a Counselor Request . If there is an emergency please call 911. If you or someone you know is not in immediate danger, but need to talk to a person right away call 1-800.273.TALK (800.273.8255) or text the word HOME to 741741.

How are you?

How are you? It is normal and ok to be experiencing a lot of different emotions during middle school. Some students seem to thrive at school while others may be experiencing various levels of anxiety, stress, and panic. Feeling some anxiety is perfectly normal. Often, fear and anxiety get worse when you feel like you do not have control of a situation. While there are many things we cannot control---you do have control over some things:

  1. Stay connected with family and friends.

  2. Stay active.

  3. Do things that relieve stress for you.

  4. Disconnect from social media.

  5. Talk to someone you trust.

  6. Write down things you are grateful for.

  7. Sleep.

  8. Limit News/Screens.

  9. Distract yourself.

  10. Get support! You can always send us an email.

School Specific Tips:

  1. Create a daily schedule and plan out your week.

  2. Work a little each day so that you don't have assignments pile up.

  3. Create a workspace at home - separate from your "free" space.

  4. Reward yourself when you finish a task.

Want to learn more about Mental Health?