

Please check your student before they leave for school. If your student is ill, please keep him/her home. Students cannot attend school unless fever-free (temperature less than 100°) for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Students with a temperature of 100° or higher (orally) will be sent home.

Students must also stay home if they have diarrhea, until they are "diarrhea-free without diarrhea-supressing medications for at least 24 hours" (per the RRISD Student-Parent Handbook).

If your student gets ill during the school days and the nurse decides that your student needs to go home, the Nurse's Office will contact the parent(s).

If your student is going to be absent, make sure to notify the Attendance Officer ( You will also need to turn in a note from a parent or a doctor to the attendance office.


Please remember to keep all phone numbers and addresses up-to-date with the registrar. Remember the school can only release your student(s) to the people you have listed.