Asthma & Allergy

EpiPens/Allergy Emergency Plan:

If your child's physician has prescribed an EpiPen please, complete the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan. Please, make sure form has both parent and physician signatures. If an antihistamine is ordered, please provide this medication with your EpiPen.

If your student has a known food allergy:

Food Allergy Research and Education Emergency Care Plan**

Per the Student-Parent Handbook: "Please contact the school nurse if your child has a known food allergy... It is important to disclose the food to which the student is allergic, as well as the nature of the allergic reaction."

Asthma Medications/Plan:

Your child's inhaler and nebulizer treatments can be given at school (if the following steps are followed):

1) Form: Asthma Action Plan** must be completed in the school clinic, whether the student is self-carrying or leaving their inhaler in the clinic.

If self-carrying, the physician must sign approval that your child has been instructed, understands self-medicating, and can carry their rescue inhaler. There is an area on the bottom of each form for parent's signature. And fill out Authorization for Self-Carry Form**

2) Nebulizer treatments: All medications and tubing for breathing treatments must be supplied by parent. We have a nebulizer machine in clinic.

3) Please ask the pharmacy to put an additional label on the inhaler. This will allow inhalers to be placed back in correct boxes in the event they become separated.

Remember: If you'd like your student to carry their own inhaler, the school nurse cannot monitor their asthma. Be sure your student knows to see the nurse if the asthma inhaler does not provide enough relief.

  • ** See Forms section