School Day 

(New Start Time: 7:35 AM)

The bell rings for students to go to class at 7:30 and the instructional school day starts at 7:35.

All students arriving after 7:35 will need to be dropped off at the main office and will be counted tardy.

Parents/guardians are required to sign their student(s) if arriving after 7:35. There is QR code on the exterior doors to scan and complete sign in/out online form. 

If a student is late due to a doctor’s appointment, please provide the office with a note to not be counted tardy.

Attendance Information

Any time your student misses school, please complete the Report an Absence form on our website.

Reporting an absence form link

All documentation for absences must be submitted within 48 hrs of the absence. 

Notes from doctors or parents/guardians need to be delivered to the office. 

*Anytime a student is absent the district automatically  sends notifications to the parents/guardians via text message/email/phone call.

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival: 7:15 - 7:35 

Doors open at 7:15am.  Please do not drop off students before 7:15 as there is no staff to watch them. Breakfast is served between 7:15 - 7:35

First (warning bell) rings at 7:30.

Second (tardy) bell rings at 7:35.

After the first day of school, no parents are allowed in the building without a Raptor Visitor badge. 

Dismissal: Students are dismissed at 2:50 pm for walkers and 2:55 for car riders.

Parents/guardians drop off and pick up students at the main entrance. Please have your student’s dismissal code ready.

Bus arrival and dismissal is at the back of the (near the gym) of the school.

Ways to go home:

Each family will be given a 3-digit dismissal code at the beginning of the year. You will need this number all year long to check out your child. 

Car Rider - Guardians stay in the car and pick up on the sidewalk with a 3-digit dismissal code given to each family at the beginning of the year.  

Parent Pick-up: Guardians park in a parking spot or walk to the school to pick up their child. They will get in line and give a staff member a 3-digit dismissal code given to each family at the beginning of the year.  

Walkers: Parents are not on school property. Students are escorted to the cross walk and walk home without an adult. 

Bus: Students who qualify for transportation will use a smart tag and ride the bus home. See here for more information about Round Rock ISD transportation.

Early Pick-up/ Late Drop-off

Parents/guardians are required to sign their student(s) in and out if arriving late or picking up during school hours. There is QR code on the exterior doors to scan and complete sign in/out online form. 

** Early pickups end at 2:15pm.

Parents/Guardians/Emergency Contact will need to bring a valid photo ID

Office staff will call students to the office for dismissal while parents will remain outside

Changes in Dismissal

When making changes to your child’s regular dismissal routine, please communicate changes to the front office (512-464-6750) prior to 2:00 pm. 

We will not change a student dismissal with only a student request. We need a guardian phone call, email, or written note to the teacher or front office.