Health Services


Immunizations must be up to date with either age appropriate immunizations or an appropriate exemption before your child begins school. For more information contact your campus nurse, your child’s health care provider, or visit


If it will be necessary for your child to be given medication during school hours, please contact your campus nurse for more information and appropriate forms.

Illness and Absences 

Please keep your child home if they are vomiting, have diarrhea, or have a fever (temperature of 100 or greater). Students must be fever free (temperature less than 100 degrees) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school. This helps to prevent the spread of illness to others.

Communicable Disease

Please report all communicable diseases to the campus nurse. This information is helpful in preventing the spread of illness in the school. Some examples include strep, flu, pink eye, chickenpox, impetigo, scarlet fever and COVID-19.

Change of Clothes 

Please assure your child always has a change of clothes, appropriate for the season, in their backpack. This will allow your child to change clothes in the event of accidents or spills when they occur.

Head Lice 

Discuss with your child the importance of not sharing combs, hats, jackets or helmets to reduce the spread of head lice. Check your child’s hair at home on a weekly basis. Please notify your campus nurse if your child has head lice.


Hearing and vision screenings will be conducted in the fall for all kindergartners. If you have any questions about state mandated screenings, please contact your campus nurse.

Clothes Closet 

This service is two-fold. If you have clothes to donate, please let us know. If you need help with obtaining clothing for your child, please stop by the nurse’s office and request a referral.