FCE Mindfulness Room

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing one’s attention to the present moment. Being mindful means paying attention with kindness and patience to what is going on inside and outside of oneself right now. Mindfulness promotes calm acknowledgment of one’s thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. Pausing to be mindful enables us to respond instead of react to situations as well as focus on the present. When we can calmly identify and name our feelings, then we can recognize them and more effectively focus and communicate what we need.

At Forest Creek Elementary School in Round Rock ISD, we have a new Mindfulness Room! We are excited to have a calming and inviting space for classes and small groups to come and practice some mindfulness activities.

Thank you so much to the Forest Creek PTA for funding most of our supplies for our Mindfulness Room.

We are just getting started and welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback.

Contact: Mrs. Bartholomew at pam_bartholomew@roundrockisd.org