Students New to RRISD will need to create an account and fill out forms online by clicking on the link below:

Online Enrollment Site

New Student Registration                                                          


Welcome to Cedar Valley Middle School.  We are so excited to have you join our family.

(New student registration is for families who have not previously attended Cedar Valley or 5th grade at Brushy Creek, Elsa England, Great Oaks, or Patsy Sommer elementaries. )

The first step in the registration process is to complete the online registration forms and email the required documents below to

Documents needed to register a new student:

After the online registration process has been completed and you have emailed your documents to Vicky Escruceria, you will be contacted by your grade level counselor to set up an appointment for a phone call to finalize your child’s registration and discuss academic and elective class options.

Have a great day and thank you for your patience.