Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Q: Can I still prepay for more than one week at a time?

A: YES YOU CAN PREPAY when you play the Windsor Rotary Community Toonie 50/50 draw! If you don't know about prepay see how below.

Q: Prepay sounds like a great option. How do I prepay for more than one week at a time?

A: At each of the sales locations (listed below), you will find small envelopes with a fill out form on one side. In the spaces provided on the envelope fill in your Number for Life, Name, Amount, and Date. Put a cheque or paper money in the envelope. Seal the envelope and drop it in the box.

Q: I don't have a “Number for Life.” How do I get one?

A: Go to one of the sales locations (listed below) and fill out a ticket. Tear off the right hand part of the ticket ( with your name, email and phone number) and place it in the box. Keep the left hand part of ticket. (Helpful tip: Players tell us this is just the right size to keep in their wallet so they always remember their Number for Life.) Now you have your own unique Number for Life and you will use this number on your weekly toonie or on your preplay envelope.

Q: How to I play for one week at a time?

A: At each of the sales locations (listed below) you will find round or square gummed stickers. Clearly write your Number for Life in the center of a sticker. Place the sticker firmly in the center of a toonie and drop the toonie in the box.

Q: Where can I play the Windsor Rotary Community Toonie 50/50?

A: You can play at any of the following sales locations:

  • Windsor Home Hardware

  • Windsor Pharmasave

  • Cochrane's Pharmasave, Hantsport

  • Falmouth KwikWay

  • Falmouth Farm Market

  • Ellershouse General Store

  • McLeans Petro Canada

  • Lakeside Variety

  • Amigos/New Boundaries

  • D&W Swinimers, Garland's Crossing

  • Centre Burlington Gas & Variety

You can find more information about Sales Locations including addresses and phone numbers on the Sales Locations page of this website.

Q: Do I always have to play at the same sales location?

A: No, you can play at any of the sales locations listed above.

Q: What day is the draw?

A: The actual draw is normally Wednesday at 9:00 am, HOWEVER, it takes time to collect all the tickets and toonies so we begin picking them up at 9:00 am on Tuesday (except in Centre Burlington where we pick up close to 6 am). You should play by Monday evening to be sure you get your ticket in on time. (Or, as one player said, “Prepay is my friend!”) If a major holiday falls on Tuesday (when sales locations are likely to be closed) or if dangerous road conditions prevent volunteers from picking up from some of the sales locations until Wednesday then the draw MAY be Wednesday afternoon but usually will be Thursday.

Q: If Monday is a holiday, do you still pick up on Tuesday?

A: Yes! Most holidays do not prevent us from picking up on Tuesday. However, if a major holiday falls on Tuesday (when sales locations are likely to be closed) or if dangerous road conditions prevent volunteers from picking up from some of the sales locations until Wednesday then the draw MAY be Wednesday afternoon but usually will be Thursday.

Q: When I prepay how can I find out how many paid weeks I have remaining?

A: If you have an email address you will receive a weekly email which announces the winner and tells you how many weeks you have remaining. You can also see your remaining weeks any time on the Home page of this website.

Q: When do you announce the winner?

A: As soon as the winner can meet with us for a photo. Usually we post on Facebook by the end of the day Wednesday but sometimes it can't be arranged until Thursday. If you have an email address you will receive a weekly email announcing the winner. Current and past winners are also posted on the Jackpot Winners page of this website.

Q: If I am the winner how will I be notified?

A: We will phone you immediately after the draw. If there is no answer we will leave a voicemail and send an email message.

Q: I signed up for my Number for Life and paid to play but I didn't get an email. What should I do?

A: Email us at Be sure to include your name, email address and/or phone number so we can contact you and sort it out.

Q: How long does my Number for Life stay in the draw?

A: Your Number for Life stays in the draw until:

  1. You contact us and ask us to remove it OR

  2. If this Number for Life has not been played in the last six months we are required by law to remove it.

Q: I lost my Number for Life. What do I do?

A: Send an email to with your name, email and/or phone number. We'll get back to you with your number.

Q: How do I know which is the right box to play the Windsor Rotary Community Toonie 50/50?

A: Look for the WHITE GRANITE box with the Rotary logo on the front and PLAY HERE in big red letters above the box.

Q: Can I play online or mail in my prepay?

A: We have looked into options like online or mail but they are not allowed under the laws that govern us. By law players have to drop their money into the box themselves. We find this frustrating especially since people keep asking why Lotto can do it and we can't. It's because Lotto operates under a different law.