
School Trips & Visits Information

At The Romsey School we pride ourselves on the broad range of trips and visits that we offer pupils.

Some trips and visits take place annually or bi-annually whilst others are offered as and when they come available. Costs vary greatly and we are aware that parents are under a lot of pressure to manage their finances in order to pay for these trips.We always do our best to allow the longest possible time over which you can pay in instalments for a trip/visit.

The lists below will give you some idea of the variety of opportunities on offer. In addition, local trips are regulary organised by staff when an opportunity arises that we feel the pupils would benefit from.

Please be aware that if your child is registered for Free School Meals there is the possibility of funding available to support your child's participation in this trip/visit. Please contact Mrs Eagle for further details

Can I also remind you that if you think that you might qualify for Free School Meals please contact the school office for further information.

In order to help you the following list gives you an idea of what is on offer,when it takes place,who it is for and the approximate cost. Please be aware that some trips are only offered to pupils who are studying the relevant subject. When a trip is oversubscribed, the names of pupils who expressed an interest by the given date, will be drawn from a ballot and any remaining pupils will be placed on the waiting list for a place should one become available.

We aim to keep the list of trips as up-to-date as possible but cannot guarantee that all current trips and proposed visits for the future are listed.

Proposed Trips for Academic Year 2022-2023
