

At Romsey we ensure that each individual is supported to reach their aspirations and fulfil their potential. Academic aspirations are met through individualised support within the mainstream school. Personal development and Preparing for Adulthood targets are rigorously taught and monitored to ensure every individual is prepared for their next steps.

Academic Support

The Base ASD Resource Provision support students in mainstream classes with their learning. This is individualised support based upon the needs of the students.

Therapeutic Support

Students receive a mixture of therapies and interventions dependent upon the requirements of the EHCP. The ASD Resource Provision has an onsite Occupational Therapist and a link Speech & Language Therapist.

Preparing for Adulthood

Preparing for adulthood through explicitly taught life skills, community skills, social skills and communication skills is key to the work that takes place within the Base. All students have weekly sessions dependent upon their academic timetable.