Careers Bulletin
This is the weekly Sixth Form Careers Bulletin. In the Bulletin you will find weekly updated information about Post 18 opportunities, including current apprenticeship opportunities, work experience, insight events, webinars, careers and university information.
w_b 2_9_24 Bulletin 1.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 1
w_b 9_9_24 Bulletin 2.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 2
w_b 16_9_24 Bulletin 3.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 3
w_b 23_9_24 Bulletin 4.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 4
w_b 30_9_24 Bulletin 5.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 5
w_b 07_10_24 Bulletin 6.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 6
w_b 14_10_24 Bulletin 7.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 7
w_b 21_10_24 Bulletin 8.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 8
w_b 04_11_24 Bulletin 9.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 9
w_b 11_11_24 Bulletin 10.pptx.pdf
Bulletin 10
w_b 18_11_24 Bulletin 11 (1).pdf
Bulletin 11
w_b 25_11_24 Bulletin 12.pdf
Bulletin 12
w_b 2_12_24 Bulletin 13.pdf
Bulletin 13
w_b 9_12_24 Bulletin 14.pdf
Bulletin 14
w_b 16_12_24 Bulletin 15.pdf
Bulletin 15