Tier 1

Tier 1 instruction happens as the first delivery point of instruction. Grade-level core curriculum, social emotional, and behavioral standards are introduced and supported at this tier. Instruction occurs in the general education environment for students, in a differentiated manner. Typically, approximately 80% of students achieve success and adequate or better growth within this tier alone.

Practice of academic instruction includes the following effective approaches:

  1. Building relationships to ensure students feel safe and connected.

  2. Recognizing and teaching students that learning is a growth mindset process that involves effort, mistakes, reflection, and the development of effective strategies.

  3. Helping students think deeply about material, which helps them pay attention, build memories, and make meaning out of what they are learning.

  4. Communicating high expectations, setting goals with students, and keeping learners challenged.

  5. Incorporating many opportunities for collaboration and social interaction.