Resources for building and creating with Google Sites

Video Tutorial for Google Sites

This is a great resource to share with students to help get them started on their own Google Sites.

Cheat Sheet for Google Sites

Google's G Suite Learning Center support page

Video Tutorial for creating e-Portfolios

From Mr Lee Teaches's YouTube channel

Resources for creating a Google Sites template and for managing student work

Creating and Using Portfolio Templates within Google Sites

Use this Google Slide presentation to learn how to create, share, and manage a Google Site that you intend to use as a project template.

This resource also includes student instructions for making a copy of the template and sharing their own Google Site back to the teacher.

Click on the video to hear Laura Moore, math teacher in Augusta County Public Schools, VA, discuss how she uses Google Sites templates in her classroom, and why she won't go without them now!

Create a Portfolio with Google Sites instructions

Would you like to use a Google Form to collect student's Google Sites?

When students submit their URL link to the teacher with a Google Form, the Google Sites will be stored and organized in a Google Sheet. This will help help you keep track of students' progress, without requiring them to publish their work before it is ready for the public.

**This is a great solution for teachers who are not using an LMS (like Schoology, Canvas, or Blackboard) or Google Classroom!

Check out what Google has to say about Google Sites

This video focuses on Google Sites, and, at the 1:40 timestamp, they discuss digital portfolios.