6-8 Grades

Students in 6th and 7th grades have art class every day for one marking period and 8th graders have art twice per week for half the school year.  The art courses present an opportunity for students to gain an appreciation of art and design, use art as a means for communication and expression, strengthen skills in creativity,  develop an understanding of methods in critique, and discuss what art means in our lives today.  Students will examine various artists and art periods throughout time and discuss the importance of how art not only reflects past and present cultures, but how art may play a role in influencing them as well.  Students will create their own artwork, sometimes referencing the styles of famous artists and art movements then other times produce artwork which is a reflection of their own personal aesthetics.  This class will also explore the many careers available in art today. 

We'll be using Google Classroom in ART for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  Links for art instruction and all assignments will be posted there.  Lessons will be presented in Google Classroom and all directions for assignments/art projects will be explained.