
Outreach is one of the most important things if not the most important thing a team does in robotics.  Through it, teams are able to uplift those around them, instigating beneficial changes and promoting a greater integration and love of STEM for all.  Our team has hosted STEM camps for students from impoverished communities without access to the materials we have, better enabling them to see firsthand what STEM really means from a practical, hands-on standpoint.  We also look for areas where our community is in need, constructing specialized Go Baby Go carts, a type of small car for kids, for children with physical and developmental disabilities who would otherwise be unable to drive them.  This served a dual purpose, enabling children to have fun and feel empowered despite their unique struggles and showing to them the equalizing power of STEM when actively utilized to solve a problem.  Through similar activities, our team is constantly looking for ways to beneficially impact the community, just as other robotics teams seek to impact.