Critical Thinking 

“Critical thinking is the ability to question what we read, hear and/or see and to not just accept what we are told." 

University of Leeds 2018 

The type of questions to ask are 

how, why, what if,  so what, what next

Critical thinking is an important skill for assignments.  Importantly employers value employees who can think creatively and critically

Facts v opinions

man looking confused from Pixbay by Tumisu

Critical reading

woman reading book from Pixabay by Bacnk90

Critical writing

writing in the park from Pixabay by StockSnap

Facts v opinions

man looking confused from Pixbay by Tumisu

Critical reading questions

woman reading book from Pixabay by Bacnk90

Critical writing

A good paragraph includes

to prove your point 

to show relevant arguments and topics for the assignment

writing in the park from Pixabay by StockSnap