Academic Writing

Steps to completing an assignment

Copy of Assignment Writing - The stages
Academic writing tips

Building your argument

Assignment terminology

Academic terminology

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Structuring academic writing

Essay structure

Essay Structure with amended introduction section

What to include in a paragraph.  

1) Topic sentence outlining the main point of the paragraph

2) Evidence to support this point 

3) Linking the evidence by discussing and explaining how it relates to the topic

4) Conclude by linking the point of the paragraph back to the whole argument

Message reads paragraphs should contain 1 main point

Showing your understanding - using evidence in your assignments

Paraphrasing - using your own words, you explain another person's ideas.  Then credit or acknowledge that it is their work or idea

The evidence you find needs using wisely to show your understanding.  Consider what the author is saying and how it is relevant to your assignment.  It is important to demonstrate your understanding.   You can do this by explaining the relevance of a quotation or paraphrasing information.  Paraphrasing is an excellent way of showing you understand someone's ideas.