Yokoi Group

Yokoi S, Isoe Y, Wang MY, Daimon M, Okuyama T, Takeuchi H. (2022) Quantifying social Interactions in medaka fish Behavioral Neurogenetics in press 

Yokoi S, Nakagawa S. (2022) UPA-Seq-Based Search Method for Functional lncRNA Candidates. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2509 269-278

Takahashi O, Tanahashi M, Yokoi S, Kaneko M, Yanaka K, Nakagawa S, Maita H. (2022) The cell type-specific ER membrane protein UGS148 is not essential in mice. Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms 27(1) 43-60

Yokoi S, Naruse K, Kamei Y, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Mito M, Iwakai S, Inoue S, Okuyama T, Nakagawa S, Young LJ, Takeuchi H. (2020) Sexually dimorphic role of oxytocin in medaka mate choice. PNAS, 117, 4802-4808.

Watakabe I, Hashimoto H, Kimura Y, Yokoi S, Naruse K and Higashijima S. (2018) Highly efficient generation of knock-in transgenic medaka by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering. Zool Lett. 4:3

*Okuyama T, *Yokoi S(*equally contributed), Takeuchi H. (2017) Molecular basis of social competence in medaka fish.  Dev Growth Differ.  59(4) 211-218

Isoe Y, Konagaya Y, Yokoi S, Kubo T, Takeuchi H. (2016) Ontogeny and Sexual Differences in Swimming Proximity to Conspecifics in Response to Visual Cues in Medaka Fish. Zool Sci.  33(3) 246-254

Yokoi S, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Naruse K, Kamei Y, Young LJ, Okuyama T, Takeuchi H. (2016) Mate-guarding behavior enhances male reproductive success via familiarization with mating partners in medaka fish. Front Zool. 13:21

Yokoi S, Okuyama T, Kamei Y, Naruse K, Taniguchi Y, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Young LJ, Takemori N, Kubo T, Takeuchi H. (2015) An Essential Role of the Arginine Vasotocin System in Mate-Guarding Behaviors in Triadic Relationships of Medaka Fish (Oryzias latipes). PLoS Genetics. 11 e1005009

Okuyama T, Yokoi S, Abe H, Isoe Y, Suehiro Y, Imada H, Tanaka M, Kawasaki T, Yuba S, Taniguchi Y, Kamei Y, Okubo K, Shimada A, Naruse K, Takeda H, Oka Y, Kubo T, Takeuchi H. (2014) A neural mechanism underlying mating preferences for familiar individuals in medaka fish. Science (New York, N.Y.)   343 91-94

*Sakai N, *Iwata R, *Yokoi S (*equally contributed), Butcher RA, Clardy J, Tomioka M, Iino Y. A Sexually Conditioned Switch of Chemosensory Behavior in C. elegans. PLoS ONE. 8 e68676