Gateway 2

Approach and Design of Professional Learning Services

Total indicators: This Gateway is evaluated by phase of support (Adoption, Launch, Ongoing for Teachers, Ongoing for Leaders). Each phase has 4–6 indicators.



Gateway 2 focuses on PL organizations' abilities to design high-quality professional learning experiences for clients. Though there are myriad design factors that determine the quality of professional learning, Rivet has chosen to focus on a subset that research suggests are foundational to HQIM-specific PL.

Specifically, Gateway 2 ensures that PL providers:

  • Design PL services with learning objectives/goals that are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL

  • Help educators at all levels of the system create, deepen, and bring to life a content-specific vision for excellent instruction

  • Equip teachers to use their HQIM to ensure all students have the opportunity to engage in meaningful, grade-level work every day

  • Equip leaders to select and support the effective use of HQIM

Collection/Evaluation Method

Gateway 2 is evaluated at the level of the provider—not at the level of individual HQIM—through the full application.

Gateway 2 is divided into four phases— Adoption PL, Launch PL, Ongoing PL for teachers, and Ongoing PL for leaders. PL providers can choose to apply for one or more of these phases.

For each phase for which your organization applies—adoption, launch, ongoing for teachers, ongoing for leaders—submit the following:

  1. A set of sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates your organization’s expertise in each phase and the indicators within it; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.* Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase (e.g., BestPLOrg_Adoption)

  2. An executive summary that identifies specific evidence within your artifacts for each indicator and describes how your organization’s PL services meet each indicator. Formatting note: Submit the executive summary as a single PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_executivesummary (e.g., BestPLOrg_ExecutiveSummary).

If successful on one or more phases in Gateway 2, PL providers will then be evaluated on Gateway 3.

*Suggested examples of possible materials for submission; Rivet does not require all materials to be submitted to score full points and should only be done so to the extent authorized by the publisher.

Indicators & Scoring

Adoption PL

Indicators 2a.i–iv

Minimum passing score: 9 out of 12

Indicator 2a.i: Adoption PL is designed to incorporate a wide-variety of stakeholders with learning objectives/goals that are clear; state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL; and connect to a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Does the audience for the PL include a wide-variety of stakeholders?

  • Does the intended audience include people who typically manage or influence the instructional materials selection/adoption process for a school and/or school system for a particular content area (e.g., CAO, director of curriculum & instruction, supervisor of elementary ELA, ELA instructional coach, school-based ELA selection committee members, Director of English Learners programs, Director of Special Ed services, administrators, teachers)?

  • Does the way that participants are grouped match the intended outcomes of the PL (e.g., is the PL specific to a content area such as ELA)?

  • Is it clear what participants of this professional learning will know (e.g., increasing participants' knowledge of HQIM), believe (e.g., use of HQIM matters), and be able to do (e.g., use of their HQIM effectively) as a result?

  • Does the PL provider make it clear how the knowledge, skills, and beliefs developed through this learning experience will impact participants’ everyday work?

  • Is there a clear and logical connection between the objectives of this learning experience and a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence of learning?


2 points:

  • Adoption PL is designed for a wide-variety of stakeholders, such as school and district employees, who manage or influence the instructional materials selection/adoption process for a particular content area.

  • Learning objectives/goals are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

  • Learning objectives/goals connect to a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence.

1 point:

  • Adoption PL is designed for a limited-variety of stakeholders, such as school or district employees, who manage or influence the instructional materials selection/adoption process for a particular content area.

  • Learning objectives/goals are somewhat clear and imply what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

  • Learning objectives/goals do not clearly connect to a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence.

0 points:

  • The audience for the PL does not fit the purpose of the PL (e.g., teachers only), or

  • Learning objectives/goals are unclear, absent, or do not state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

Indicator 2a.ii: Adoption PL supports school and/or district leaders in defining a shared, content-specific vision for excellent instruction and understanding the role HQIM plays in achieving that vision.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • References to the shifts (ELA/math), math practices, or the 3 Dimensions (science).

  • References to the standards. Note: Sample PL materials may refer to a specific state’s standards or may talk in more general terms about grounding a vision for excellent instruction in student standards.

  • Activities that require participants synthesize their understanding of the standards and either the shifts (ELA/math), math practices, or the 3 Dimensions (science) to define or refine their vision for excellent instruction.

  • Activities that encourage participants to identify stakeholders who need to have a shared understanding of the vision (e.g., teachers, instructional coaches, principals, parents, board members, etc.) and to create a plan for communicating and reinforcing the vision with those stakeholders.

  • Instances in which the PL builds participants’ understanding of the role HQIM plays in achieving the vision for excellent instruction (e.g., by sharing research on the impact of adopting HQIM on student outcomes).

  • Evidence of an underlying belief that all students deserve high-quality instruction access to meaningful, grade-level work.


4 points:

  • Adoption PL supports school and/or district leaders in defining a shared, content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

  • The PL supports participants in understanding the role HQIM plays in achieving that vision.

2 points:

  • Adoption PL highlights the importance of HQIM or supports school and/or district leaders in defining a shared, content-specific vision for excellent instruction but fails to create a connection between the two.

0 points:

  • Adoption PL does not highlight the importance of HQIM and does not support school and/or district leaders in defining a shared, content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

Indicator 2a.iii: Adoption PL equips school and/or district leaders to invest stakeholders, including but not limited to teachers, in the content-specific vision for excellent instruction grounded in HQIM and the execution of a selection and adoption process that results in the procurement and successful implementation of an HQIM aligned to that vision.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Does the PL describe the elements and steps/sequence of a strong selection and adoption process (e.g., define a process and timeline, convene and train a review/selection committee, develop a vision for excellent instruction, adopt/develop/modify a rubric that aligns with the vision, leverage reliable and nationally recognized resources to identify HQIM (e.g., EdReports, Louisiana Believes), review materials, pilot materials, procure materials, distribute materials)?

  • Does the PL help leaders create a plan for their selection and adoption process (e.g., supporting them to create a project plan, think through who should be on their selection committee, decide with which school(s) the might pilot HQIM, etc.)?

  • Does the PL emphasize the importance of investing stakeholders in the selection/adoption process?

  • Does the PL help participants identify key stakeholders (e.g., teachers, principals, school board members, parents, etc.)?

  • Does the PL provide strategies for investing those stakeholders (e.g., including teachers on the review/selection committee, developing a communications plan, etc.)?


4 points:

  • Adoption PL equips school and/or district leaders to execute a selection and adoption process that results in the selection of HQIM.

  • Adoption PL equips school and/or district leaders to invest stakeholders, including but not limited to teachers, in the vision for excellent instruction and in the selection process.

2 points:

  • Adoption PL equips school and/or district leaders to execute a selection and adoption process that results in the selection of HQIM but does not equip school and/or district leaders to invest stakeholders, including but not limited to teachers, in the vision for excellent instruction and in the selection process.

0 points:

  • Adoption PL does not equip school and/or district leaders to execute a selection and adoption process that results in the selection of HQIM.

Indicator 2a.iv: Submitted artifacts are high quality in design, structure, and format.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for:

  • Evidence of the PL artifact being designed in a way that contributes to the accomplishment of stated objectives (e.g., the activities connect back to the objectives and the agenda).

  • Evidence of structure and flow that make the PL easy to follow and track the progression of participant learning (e.g., the sequence of activities contributes to developing an understanding of the stated objectives).

  • Spelling and/or grammatical errors.

  • Noticeable formatting issues.


2 points:

  • The PL artifacts are high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts are free of distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

1 point:

  • The PL artifacts are mostly high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have few distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that only minimally detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

0 points:

  • The PL artifacts have noteworthy design and structural defects making them less likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have many distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

Launch PL

Indicators 2b.i–vi

Minimum passing score: 14 out of 16

Indicator 2b.i: Launch PL is designed for a defined and narrow intended audience with learning objectives/goals that are clear; state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL; and connect to a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Who (role type, content area) is the intended audience for the PL?

  • Does the intended audience include people who will implement or support the implementation of the same HQIM?

  • Does the way that participants are grouped match the intended outcomes of the PL, i.e., by grade or grade band (K–2, 3–5, 6–12 in ELA and K–5, 6–8, 9–12 in math)?

  • Is it clear what participants of this professional learning will know (e.g., increasing participants' knowledge of their HQIM), believe (e.g., use of HQIM matters), and be able to do (e.g., use their HQIM effectively) as a result?

  • Does the PL provider make it clear how the knowledge, skills, and beliefs developed through this learning experience will impact participants’ everyday work?

  • Is there a clear and logical connection between the objectives of this learning experience and a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence of learning?


2 points:

  • Launch PL is designed for teachers and/or leaders who will implement or support the implementation of the same HQIM; participants are grouped by grade or grade band (e.g., K–2, 3–5, 6–12 in ELA and K–5, 6–8, 9–12 in math).

  • Learning objectives/goals are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

  • Learning objectives/goals connect to a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence.

1 point:

  • Launch PL is designed for teachers and/or leaders who will implement or support the implementation of the HQIM.

  • Learning objectives/goals are somewhat clear and imply what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

  • Learning objectives/goals do not clearly connect to a broader set of objectives and/or scope and sequence.

0 points:

  • The audience for the PL is not clearly defined or does not fit the purpose of the PL (e.g., math and ELA teachers together).

  • Learning objectives/goals are unclear, absent, or do not state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

Indicator 2b.ii: Launch PL develops teachers' and/or leaders' ability to describe the approach and structure of their HQIM and how those connect back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Does the PL describe the approach of the HQIM (e.g., knowledge-building approach in ELA; pictorial to abstract approach in math; phenomenon-based approach in science)?

  • Does the PL describe the design of the HQIM (e.g., What’s the progression of units? Why are they organized in that way? What is the typical or most common progression of learning within lessons? Why are they organized in that way?)?

  • Does the PL help participants make a connection between the way their HQIM are designed and a content-specific vision for excellent instruction (e.g., making references to the shifts (ELA/math), math practices, or the 3 Dimensions (science); highlighting the connection between an HQIM whose structure includes rich text sets and the vision that students have the opportunity to read complex text and build knowledge through content-rich nonfiction)?

  • Evidence of an underlying belief that all students deserve high-quality instruction access to meaningful, grade-level work.


4 points:

  • Launch PL develops teachers' and/or leaders' ability to describe the approach or design of their HQIM and how those connect back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

2 points:

  • Launch PL minimally develops teachers' and/or leaders' ability to describe the approach or design of their HQIM but does not connect this back to the vision for excellent instruction.

0 points:

  • Launch PL does not develop teachers' and/or leaders' ability to describe the approach or design of their HQIM.

Indicator 2b.iii: Launch PL equips teachers to account for and navigate any logistical considerations involved in classroom use such as the components of the materials, how they are organized, and how teachers and students access them.

Possible points

0 or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Does the PL describe the components of the HQIM (e.g., projectable lessons, trade books, decodable readers, formative assessments, manipulatives, culminating writing tasks, etc.) and how they are organized within the HQIM?

  • Does the PL describe how to access various components of the HQIM (e.g., digital vs. print)?


2 points:

  • Launch PL equips teachers to account for and navigate logistical considerations involved in classroom use of their HQIM such as the components of the materials, how they are organized, and how teachers and students access them.

0 points:

  • Launch PL does not equip teachers to account for and navigate logistical considerations involved in classroom use such as the components of the materials, how they are organized, or how teachers and students access them.

Indicator 2b.iv: Launch PL builds teachers’ and leaders’ understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like and how that connects back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Activities that help participants, both teachers and leaders, understand what strong implementation of the HQIM looks like (e.g., modeling a lesson, reflecting on a video of a strong lesson, deepening knowledge of the essential content and content pedagogy that underpins strong implementation decisions, discussing common implementation pitfalls at the classroom and school based level, internalizing the first unit and lessons, understanding the arc of lessons and units across the year, using the materials as if they were students).

  • Evidence that the PL helps participants, both teachers and leaders, make a connection between strong implementation of the HQIM and achieving the a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

  • Evidence that a content-specific vision for excellent instruction is rooted in standards and/or research.

  • Evidence of an underlying belief that all students deserve high-quality instruction access to meaningful, grade-level work.


4 points:

  • Launch PL employs multiple activities to build teachers’ and leaders’ comprehensive understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like.

  • Launch PL connects the vision for strong implementation back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction rooted in research and/or standards.

2 points:

  • Launch PL employs minimal activities to build teachers’ and leaders’ cursory understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like.

  • Launch PL does not connect the vision for strong implementation back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

0 points:

  • Launch PL does not include any activities focused on building teachers’ and leaders’ understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like

Indicator 2b.v: Launch PL builds and/or reinforces leaders' ability to examine and plan for systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support a smooth launch of the HQIM.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Instances in which the PL identifies systems-level structures, policies, and processes that leaders should examine and plan for to ensure they support and do not impede a strong launch of the materials (e.g., funding, budgeting, class schedules, lesson planning policies, grading policies, assessment policies, observation protocols, collaborative planning time for teachers, PL calendars, etc.).


2 points:

  • Launch PL builds and/or reinforces leaders' ability to examine multiple systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support a smooth launch of the HQIM.

1 point:

  • Launch PL builds and/or reinforces leaders' ability to examine minimal systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support a smooth launch of the HQIM.

0 points:

  • Launch PL does not build and/or reinforce leaders' ability to examine any systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support a smooth launch of the HQIM.

Indicator Submitted artifacts are high quality in design, structure, and format.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Evidence of the PL artifact being designed in a way that contributes to the accomplishment of stated objectives (e.g., the activities connect back to the objectives and the agenda).

  • Evidence of structure and flow that make the PL easy to follow and track the progression of participant learning (e.g., the sequence of activities contributes to developing an understanding of the stated objectives).

  • Spelling and/or grammatical errors.

  • Noticeable formatting issues (e.g., distracting fonts and font sizes, text that continues beyond the border of slides, etc.).


2 points:

  • The PL artifacts are high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts are free of distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

1 point:

  • The PL artifacts are mostly high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have few distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that only minimally detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

0 points:

  • The PL artifacts have noteworthy design and structural defects making them less likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have many distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

Ongoing PL for Teachers

Indicators 2c.i–v

Minimum passing score: 11 out of 14

Indicator 2c.i: Ongoing PL for teachers includes learning objectives/goals that are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Is it clear what participants of this professional learning will know (e.g., increasing participants' knowledge of HQIM), believe (e.g., use of HQIM matters), and be able to do (e.g., use their HQIM effectively) as a result?

  • Does the PL provider make it clear how the knowledge, skills, and beliefs developed through this learning experience will impact participants’ everyday work?


2 points:

  • Learning objectives/goals are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

1 point:

  • Learning objectives/goals are somewhat clear and imply what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL

0 points:

  • The audience for the PL is not clearly defined or does not fit the purpose of the PL (e.g., math and ELA teachers together).

  • Learning objectives/goals are unclear, absent, or do not state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

Indicator 2c.ii: Ongoing PL for teachers builds and/or reinforces teachers’ understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like and how that connects back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Does the PL reference the shifts (ELA/math), the math practices, or the 3 Dimensions (science) and connections with the HQIM?

  • Does the PL reference the standards? Note: sample PL materials may refer to a specific state’s standards or may talk in more general terms about grounding a vision for excellent instruction in student standards.

  • Does the PL help help educators understand what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like by including resources such as a model lesson (live or video) or HQIM-specific implementation guidance (e.g., observation tool, arc of units and lessons across the year, addressing common implementation pitfalls)?

  • Does the PL deepen knowledge of the essential content and content pedagogy that underpins strong implementation decisions?

  • Does the PL root the discussion of a content-specific vision for excellent instruction in standards and/or research?

  • Evidence of an underlying belief that all students deserve high-quality instruction access to meaningful, grade-level work.


2 points:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers builds and/or reinforces teachers’ understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like and how that connects back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

1 point:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers builds and/or reinforces teachers’ understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like but does not help them connect that back to a content-specific vision for excellent instruction.

0 points:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers does not build and/or reinforce teachers’ understanding of what strong implementation of their HQIM looks like.

Indicator 2c.iii: Ongoing PL for teachers addresses how to use planning time (e.g., individual, collaborative, PLCs) to internalize and prepare to teach units and lessons from their HQIM.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Discussion and activities that lead to consistent protocols and routines for unit and lesson preparation and reflection on student work; applicable in either individual and/or collaborative planning time. Routines should focus on fidelity to the HQIM, analysis of data, and achieving student results as outlined by the HQIM.

  • Activities that prompt teachers to dig into lessons and units in the HQIM, including using the materials as if they were students. For example:

    1. Creating/annotating exemplar student responses, including identifying the grade-level standards which are met through each exemplar and the knowledge and skills students must have to meet each grade-level standard.

    2. Creating a “road map” for units which identifies: (1) What knowledge and skills are built in each lesson? (2) How do those knowledge and skills prepare students for success on the unit assessments?

    3. Accessing, reading, and annotating texts from the HQIM.

    4. Solving problems and conducting investigations from the lessons and assessments and using that experience to anticipate and plan for mistakes students might make.

    5. Making notes in the provided lesson plan about pacing, revisions, or additions to the questions, specific things to watch for with individual students, revisions or additions to the lesson handouts.

    6. Practicing/role-playing with colleagues parts of the lesson that might be challenging for the teacher and/or the students.

    7. Preparing any materials necessary for the lesson (e.g., anchor charts, manipulatives, computers for research, etc.).

  • Activities that prompt participants to examine data rooted in the HQIM (e.g., formative and summative data collected from assessments embedded in the HQIM, student work) to identify areas of student growth and misconceptions to support lesson planning and preparation.


4 points:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers presents multiple strategies and tools to internalize and prepare to teach units and lessons from their HQIM.

  • Ongoing PL for teachers prompts teachers to develop/use consistent routines and protocols to internalize and prepare to teach units and lessons from their HQIM.

2 points:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers presents minimal lesson planning strategies to internalize and prepare to teach units and lessons from their HQIM that may not promote the development of routines and protocols.

0 points:

  • Ongoing PL does not develop teachers to internalize and prepare to teach units or lessons from their HQIM.

Indicator 2c.iv: Ongoing PL for teachers equips them to address the needs of students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs, with a focus on using HQIM-embedded supports.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Instances in which the PL addresses common misconceptions about students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs or strategies to accelerate their growth, including the misconception that students who are academically behind cannot access grade-level content.

  • References in the PL to the HQIM-embedded supports that are designed to meet the needs of students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs.

  • Instances in which the PL helps teachers identify/diagnose specific learning needs of students by reviewing student work from the HQIM.

  • Instances in which the PL equips teachers to meet the needs of students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs by leveraging the HQIM-embedded supports; this could include helping teachers use ongoing data, especially “in the moment” checks for understanding and scaffolding, as well as helping them address more significant skill gaps through avenues such as intervention time, as well as providing models for teachers on how to reflect on the effectiveness of supports provided.


4 points:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers equips them to address the needs of students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs, with a focus on using HQIM-embedded supports.

2 points:

  • Ongoing PL for teachers equips them to address the needs of students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs but does so with little regard for the HQIM-embedded supports.

0 points:

  • Ongoing PL does not equip teachers to address the needs of students with diverse and/or individualized learning needs.

Indicator 2c.v: Submitted artifacts are high quality in design, structure, and format.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Evidence of the PL artifact being designed in a way that contributes to the accomplishment of stated objectives (e.g., the activities connect back to the objectives and the agenda).

  • Evidence of structure and flow that make the PL easy to follow and track the progression of participant learning (e.g., the sequence of activities contributes to developing understanding of the stated objectives).

  • Spelling and/or grammatical errors.

  • Noticeable formatting issues (e.g., distracting fonts and font sizes, text that continues beyond the border of slides, etc.).


2 points:

  • The PL artifacts are high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts are free of distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

1 point:

  • The PL artifacts are mostly high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have few distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that only minimally detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

0 points:

  • The PL artifacts have noteworthy design and structural defects making them less likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have many distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

Ongoing PL for Leaders

Indicators 2d.i–iv

Minimum passing score: 11 out of 14

Indicator 2d.i: Ongoing PL for leaders includes learning objectives/goals that are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Is it clear what participants of this professional learning will know (e.g., increasing participants' knowledge of their HQIM), believe (e.g., use of HQIM matters), and be able to do (e.g., use their HQIM effectively) as a result?

  • Does the PL provider make it clear how the knowledge, skills, and beliefs developed through this learning experience will impact participants’ everyday work?


2 points:

  • Learning objectives/goals are clear and state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

1 point:

  • Learning objectives/goals are somewhat clear and imply what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL

0 points:

  • The audience for the PL is not clearly defined or does not fit the purpose of the PL (e.g., math and ELA teachers together).

  • Learning objectives/goals are unclear, absent, or do not state what participants will know, believe, and do differently in their everyday work as a result of the PL.

Indicator 2d.ii: Ongoing PL for leaders supports them in articulating a vision for strong implementation of the HQIM that connects back to a broader vision for excellent instruction.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • References to the shifts (ELA/math), the math practices, or the 3 Dimensions (science) and connections with the HQIM.

  • References to the standards. Note: sample PL materials may refer to a specific state’s standards or may talk in more general terms about grounding a vision for excellent instruction in student standards.

  • Activities that build and/or reinforce a vision for strong implementation of the HQIM by including resources such as a model lesson (live or video) or HQIM-specific implementation guidance (e.g., observation tool, arc of units and lessons across the year).

  • Activities that deepen leaders’ knowledge of the essential content and content pedagogy that underpins strong implementation decisions.

  • Instances where the PL helps leaders make a connection between strong implementation of the HQIM and achieving the broader vision for excellent instruction.

  • Evidence of an underlying belief that all students deserve high-quality instruction access to meaningful, grade-level work.


2 points:

  • PL supports leaders to build and/or reinforce a vision for strong implementation of the HQIM that connects back to the broader vision for excellent instruction.

1 point:

  • PL supports leaders to build and/or reinforce a vision for strong implementation of the HQIM, but it does not connect back to the broader vision for excellent instruction.

0 points:

  • PL does not support leaders to build and/or reinforce a vision for strong implementation of the HQIM that connects back to the broader vision for excellent instruction.

Indicator 2d.iii: Ongoing PL for leaders prepares them to examine and adjust systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support smooth implementation of the HQIM.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Instances in which the PL identifies systems and processes that leaders may need to amend to support strong implementation of HQIM (e.g., funding, budgeting, class schedules, lesson planning policies, grading policies, assessment policies, observation protocols, collaborative planning time for teachers, PL calendars, etc.).

  • Activities that prepare leaders to adjust those systems-level structures, policies, and processes to ensure they support smooth implementation of the HQIM should include a broad scope (e.g., leaders reflect on their school’s current class schedule and discuss with a partner ways to change it to match the instructional time required by a particular HQIM, current grading policies are evaluated for discrepancies in alignment to HQIM and brainstorm solutions, feedback rubrics are annotated to highlight points where alignment to HQIM may not be present, routines and protocols are developed for PLCs and collaborative planning to support conversation and analysis of lessons and units).


4 points:

  • Ongoing PL comprehensively prepares leaders to examine and adjust systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support smooth implementation of the HQIM.

2 point:

  • Ongoing PL minimally prepares leaders to examine and adjust systems-level structures, policies, and processes that may impede a smooth implementation of the HQIM.

0 points:

  • Ongoing PL does not prepare leaders to examine or adjust any systems-level structures, policies, and processes to support smooth implementation of the HQIM.

Indicator 2d.iv: Ongoing PL for leaders develops their ability to monitor and identify trends within students' achievement of grade-level content and provide feedback to teachers on the quality of implementation of their HQIM.

Possible points

0, 2, or 4 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

  • Using the executive summary template provided, identify specific evidence within your artifacts and describe how it demonstrates your organization’s PL meets the indicator. Formatting notes: Submit one PDF per phase (maximum 200 pages) that provides evidence for all indicators for this phase. Save each PDF with the following naming convention: PLprovider_phase_HQIM_publisher (e.g. BestPLOrg_adoption_EL_LearnZillion)

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Instances in which the PL addresses the need for leaders to monitor and provide specific, actionable, and relevant feedback to teachers on students’ achievement of grade-level content and the quality of implementation of their HQIM.

  • The student data used by leaders to monitor, identify trends, and provide feedback to teachers on students’ achievement of grade-level content are aligned to the HQIM (e.g., data from HQIM-embedded interim assessments).

  • The tool(s) used by leaders to monitor, identify trends, and provide feedback to teachers on the quality of implementation of their HQIM is specific to the HQIM and/or closely aligned to a content-specific vision of excellent instruction such as the Instructional Practice Guides?

  • Evidence of how and to what end observational feedback is used with teachers. For example, does the PL explicitly state that the primary purpose of implementation-focused observations is to support rather than to evaluate teachers? Does the PL recommend that leaders do things like periodically participate in teachers’ collaborative learning time to highlight trends the leader is seeing, provide coaching, and encourage collective problem-solving?


4 points:

  • Ongoing PL for leaders develops their ability to monitor and identify trends within students’ achievement of grade-level content and provide feedback to teachers on the quality of implementation in a way that is aligned to the HQIM.

  • The primary purpose of the observation and feedback is to support teachers rather than to evaluate them.

2 points:

  • Ongoing PL for leaders develops their ability to monitor and identify trends within students' achievement of grade-level content and provide feedback to teachers on the quality of implementation but the tools used to do so are not always aligned to the HQIM.

  • The primary purpose of the observation and feedback is to support teachers rather than to evaluate them.

0 points:

  • Ongoing PL does not develop leaders' ability to monitor and provide feedback to teachers on students’ achievement of grade-level content or the quality of implementation or does so in a way that is primarily evaluative and/or undermines trust.

Indicator 2d.v: Submitted artifacts are high quality in design, structure, and format.

Possible points

0, 1, or 2 points

Application questions

  • Submit a small sample of client-facing materials that demonstrates how your PL meets the indicator; may include sample presentations with facilitator guide/notes, handouts, guidebooks, course syllabi, client work plans, client reflection questions, coaching notes, etc.

Evidence collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Evidence of the PL artifact being designed in a way that contributes to the accomplishment of stated objectives (e.g., the activities connect back to the objectives and the agenda).

  • Evidence of structure and flow that make the PL easy to follow and track the progression of participant learning (e.g., the sequence of activities contributes to developing understanding of the stated objectives).

  • Spelling and/or grammatical errors.

  • Noticeable formatting issues (e.g., distracting fonts and font sizes, text that continues beyond the border of slides, etc.).


2 points:

  • The PL artifacts are high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts are free of distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

1 point:

  • The PL artifacts are mostly high quality in design and structure, making them more likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have few distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that only minimally detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.

0 points:

  • The PL artifacts have noteworthy design and structural defects making them less likely to accomplish the intended goals.

  • The PL artifacts have many distracting spelling and/or grammatical errors and/or formatting issues that detract from the efficacy or professionalism of the PL.