

Location:  A222    Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Hope Read                 Rose Gil

          Guidance Technician                             Career Guidance Assistant

 hread@riversideunified.org                     rgil@riversideunified.org 

                          951-789-5690 x62211                                   951-789-5690 x62175                       

We encourage students to join the College and Career Center Classroom (code 3eyvkrg) to stay informed of activities such as college and career representative visits, FAFSA workshops, and more!  View the calendar below for the schedule.


Riverside City College - College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP).  Martin Luther King High School started participation in the Riverside City College-College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP) agreement with Riverside City College beginning with the 2018-2019 school year. Students have the opportunity to be part of a cohort of students who can earn college credit which will also help to satisfy high school graduation requirements and complete units towards a college degree.  These classes are taught on MLKHS campus and/or online (this will vary each semester). 

For more information and the steps to apply to the CCAP program, click here :  RCC CCAP/DUAL ENROLLMENT INFORMATION                                                              

Click the title above to view and/or download a copy!  

Information about Californiacolleges.edu, FAFSA/CADAA, College Applications, CalKids, CalGrant, Scholarships and Parchment!  



All seniors must complete a FAFSA or CADAA no later than March 3, 2025. *

The FAFSA/CADAA applications are OPEN now!  

What is a FAFSA/CADAA?  

FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid and CADAA stands for California Dream Act Application (CADAA).   Both serve as the applications for California State aid (Cal Grant, Middle Income Scholarship, Promise Program).  The completion of a FAFSA or CADAA is also required in order to receive institutional awards and scholarships like academic, athletic, or departmental monies at your college.  If you are not sure about which form your should complete, click the link below under "Helpful Links" to find out more.

What is Student Aid?  

Student Aid comes in different forms, offered at the Federal level, state level and institutional level.  Grants = FREE money, Scholarships = FREE money, Loans = money that has to be paid back, Work Study = money earned through campus work.

Why complete a FAFSA/CADAA?    

Simply put, access. If you do not complete a FAFSA or CADAA you will not know what you may qualify for. If you do not know what you qualify for, your access to college and programs may be limited based on how much cash you are able to pay for college or trade/technical school.  You may be surprised at the student aid that is available for all income levels. Also, in the state of California, the completion of a FAFSA or CADAA is a graduation requirement.  

Helpful Links

What is the FAFSA and why should I fill it out?

What is a CADAA and why should I fill it out?

FAFSA or CADAA, which one should I complete?

Complete the FAFSA 2024-2025 

Complete the CADAA 2024-2025

Financial Aid Programs - California 


Financial Aid and Resources for Undocumented Students in California

*California Education Code (CEC) § 51225.7 requires a local educational agency to confirm each 12th-grade student’s completion and submission of a FAFSA or CADAA unless the student is determined to be exempt or an opt-out form is completed.  Opt out forms are available in the College and Career Center, room A222.

College Application Resources

What kinds of College applications do you need to know


CaliforniaColleges.edu is the State of California’s official college and career planning platform. Lessons and tools help students discover goals for life after high school, make plans to achieve them, and launch their futures. It’s free for California 6th - 12th grade students, their parents, and educators.

CaliforniaColleges.edu is managed by the nonprofit California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI). CCGI partners with school districts to smooth student paths to college and career. It’s funded in part by the State of California as part of the Cradle-to-Career System. Learn more about CaliforniaColleges.edu.

How Do You Apply to the University of California

How Do You Apply to the California State University 

How Do You Apply to the California Community Colleges

How Do You Apply to the Common Black College Application

How Do You Apply to College with the Common App (private and AICCU schools)

If you are a parent/guardian and you previously "opted out" of sharing  Aeries data with Californiacolleges.edu , you may complete the following electronic form to opt your students Aeries data back in.  
CCGI OPT IN (English)

CCGI OPT IN (Spanish)

**California State University and Riverside County Office of Education Partnership Information**

Riverside City College Resources 

Apply to RCC

Email: jessica.contreras@rcc.edu

RCC Application Videos 

RCC Promise Program Checklist

RCC Financial Aid 

Virtual office hours through zoom are offered to any students and/or families seeking assistance with their FAFSA or CADAA applications. Go to their site at https://rcc.edu/become-a-student/how-to-pay-for-school/index.html#workshops to register. Support will be offered continuously until June 2022. Please feel free to reach out to our Riverside City College Financial Aid Representative: 

Manuel “Manny” Gray-Trillo 

Office: (951) 222-8756 | Fax (951) 222-8006

Email: manuel.gray@rcc.edu |Web: www.rcc.edu

Office Hours for Fall 2021

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday: 8:00-5:00

Tues: 9:00-6:00 

RCC Scholarship List 
