College Admissions Tests

While the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and many other out of state and private colleges/universties have announced that they either no longer require the SAT/ACT or have made it test optional, there are many that still require college admissions testing.  Colleges/Universities that no longer require the SAT/ACT or have made it test optional have announced that if students choose to submit test scores as part of their application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum admission requirements for eligibility, for course placement, or scholarships.  For more information on the exam requirements for UC and CSU, click on the following links and/or reach out to the college you are applying to:

UC Exam Requirement

CSU Exam Requirement

Most colleges accept either the SAT or ACT and don't weigh either test that much differently.  Be sure to research if your chosen college/university does have a preference between the tests.

Mientras que la Universidad de California (UC), la Universidad Estatal de California (CSU) y muchas otras universidades privadas y de otro estados han anunciado que ya no requieren el SAT/ACT o han hecho que la prueba sea opcional, hay muchas que todavía requieren pruebas de admisiones universitarias. Colegios/universidades que ya no requieren el SAT/ACT o que lo han hecho opcional han anunciado que si los estudiantes eligen enviar los resultados de las pruebas como parte de su solicitud, pueden ser usadas como un método alternativo para cumplir con los requisitos de admisión mínimos para la elegibilidad, para colocación del curso, o becas. Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos del examen para UC y CSU, haga clic en los siguientes enlaces y/o comuníquese con la universidad a la que está solicitando:

Requisito de examen UC

Requisito de examen CSU

La mayoría de las universidades aceptan el SAT o el ACT y no pesan ninguna prueba tan de manera muy diferente. Asegúrese de investigar si su universidad elegida tiene preferencia entre las pruebas.


Although CollegeBoard administers the PSAT,  high schools or the school district are the ones who arrange the PSAT and the PSAT test date.   Students register for the PSAT through their high school, not through CollegeBoard.  Check with your school's counseling office for information on whether the PSAT will be offered and how to sign up to take the exam.

Recomended Grade       10th Grade- October- Practice 

                                      11th Grade- October-  Practice and potentially qualify you for the National Merit   Scholarship Program and other scholarships

PSAT Practice Tests       Click here to access CollegeBoard's free online and/or paper practice tests

PSAT Website                Click here to learn more about PSAT/NMSQT


The SAT is an entrance exam used by many colleges/universities to make admissions decisions.  The SAT is a multiple-choice test administered by the CollegeBoard.  Students register for the SAT exam through CollegeBoard which is offered nationally every year in August, October, November, December, March, May and June.  

Recomended Grade       11th Grade- Spring

                                       12th Grade- Fall

SAT Practice Tests          Click here to access CollegeBoard's free practice tests

SAT Website                   Click here to learn more about SAT 


The ACT is an entrance exam used by many colleges/universities to make admissions decisions.  It is a multiple-choice test administered by the ACT, Inc.  Students register for the ACT exam through the ACT website which is offered nationally every year in September, October, December, February, April, June, and July.

Recomended Grade       11th Grade- Spring

                                       12th Grade- Fall

ACT Practice Tests          Click here to access ACT free practice tests

ACT Website                   Click here to learn more about ACT


Ask your school counselor if you qualify for a fee waiver to take the PSAT, SAT, or ACT tests for free.  Fee waivers cover the basic registration fees for 2 to 4 tests.

Required Grade           11th & 12th Grade

SAT Fee Waivers          Click here to learn more about qualifying for fee waivers

ACT Fee Waivers          Click here to learn more about qualifying for fee waivers