Parent-Teacher Conferences
Dear Parents,
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will be hosting our Junior and Senior High School Parent-Teacher conferences online via Zoom on the following dates:
19 October (3:30 - 7:00) - Junior High
20 October (3.30 - 5.30) - Junior High
3 November (3:30 - 7:00) - Senior High
4 November (3.30 - 5.30) - Senior High
Below you will find the instructions, links, and additional information to help you access the conferences.
If you have additional questions, please contact us:
Junior High -
Kevin Maddocks -
Sarita Myers -
Senior High -
Year 10 & 11 - IGCSE Coordinator: Camilla Entwistle -
Year 12 & 13 - IB Coordinator: Daniel Plummer -
We will sincerely miss having the parents with us in the school building, but are grateful for the technology and resources to be able to continue to meet with you.
Riverside High School Leadership
Instructions for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents will sign up for a 5-7 minute appointment for each subject teacher. To make an appointment using the school’s online booking system, please follow the instructions below.
Click on the following link: and follow the prompts.
Step 1: Enter your details (email address, name and name of child) .
Step 2: Choose the teachers you would like to meet with.
Step 3: Choose the time(s) you want.
Important notes when booking appointments:
Please do not book more than one appointment time per teacher (even for teachers that teach your child two subjects, i.e. History and Geography)
Some Junior High subjects will not be available for appointments. Instead, teachers have created Subject Introduction videos for you to view. These subjects are: Drama, Music, Religious Education (RE), Computing, Physical Education (PE), Design & Technology (DT).
Link to Subject Introduction Videos
Your bookings will then arrive in your inbox. Your listed bookings will include the following information for each appointment:
Date and time of appointment, Teacher’s name/Subject, child’s name - Details*
*Details (this is the Zoom Meeting Link for the subject teacher. There is a separate meeting link for each subject teacher.
On the Day of the Conferences:
Important: Ensure that you are easily identifiable by your Zoom name
We would ask you to log on no more than 5 minutes before your allotted time and wait in the virtual waiting room for the teacher to admit you to the meeting.