List of Questions

Considerations When Looking at a College

The environment and facilities

What services are offered by the campus health/counseling center?

How safe is the campus?

Is there on and/or off campus transportation available?

Are the dorms spread around campus or in one area?

Are there security measures in residence halls?

Are there campus police and do they patrol regularly?

Are the dining halls easily accessible?

Do the dining halls have a good variety of choices?

How many dorm rooms share a restroom?

Do the rooms have Wifi?

Are the dorms single sex or co ed?

How large are the rooms? Is there enough space for you to comfortably study?

Are there shops nearby to get your necessities?

Are there enough apartments in the area if you choose to move out of the dorms in the future?

Do you feel comfortable with the size of the campus and the number of students?

How much parking is available and how much does it cost?

Are there any upcoming changes to facilities?

Are the research facilities up to modern standards (or beyond)?

Questions to ask current students

Are your professors accessible if you need help?

Do most students leave on the weekends?

Does the greek system dominate the campus social life?

How many students are in your classes?

How well does the Wifi work around campus?

How hard do you have to work to do well in classes?

How often are your classes taught by teacher assistants?

How is the food in the residence halls?

How is the school climate and school spirit?

What do students do with their free time?

Do you feel like you are getting appropriate advisement?

The education and academic programs

What are the job placement or grad school placement rates?

Are they able to assist with internships?

Are study abroad programs available?

What are the strong majors at the school?

What is the average amount of loans students leave with?

What is the graduation rate in 4- 6 years?

What is the retention rate of freshmen into sophomore year?

Are there automatic grants available to incoming students?

Do they have a tuition freeze for four years?

Is tutoring and a writing center available to all students?

What kind of resources do you have available for students that had special services through high school?

What types of career services are available?

Is there an honors program?

How are advisors assigned to students?

What assistance is provided to students who are undecided?

Are they on semesters or trimesters?

Are textbooks purchased or rented?

What are the admission requirements?

Are there special admission requirements for your major?

What is the application deadline?

How are you placed in your classes the first year?

What research opportunities are available in your field of study?

When are students required to select a major?

Student Life

What kind of clubs are available?

How many students are involved in the greek system?

What kind of Intramural sports are available?

Can you choose your roommate?

What type of activities are offered by the school?

What type of student work study is available?

Is there a recreation facility for your use?

Do not be afraid to ask to meet with an advisor or a faculty major of your intended area of study.

You can also ask to sit in on class. This may be the chance to sit in on a large class so you can see if you feel like you can learn in that setting.

You can also ask for an overnight visit to be arranged. This is especially important for athletes so that they can meet players outside of the coaching setting.