The HS summer program gives older RIS students opportunities to strengthen established skills, accelerate prior learning, and move to the next level of understanding. With a wide array of courses across the HS curriculum, students enjoy the luxury of selecting classes that best support their educational goals for the summer and the school year. 

Students may choose a morning or afternoon class or both. Each class is 3 hours of content with a 25-minute break. By selecting a required elective course during the summer, such as P.E., Art, or Values, students can free up a credit hour for the upcoming school year. Students may not be absent more than twice to receive credit and should submit a medical certificate for all absences.


Monday, June 10 – Friday, June 28, 2024
7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.



(7:30–10:55 a.m. or 11:35 a.m.–3:00 p.m.)

For more information on courses & scheduling, please contact:

Ms. Kate Culbert – Email: summer@rism.ac.th
Secondary School Summer School Coordinator


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(Offers & details may be subject to change)

Please note that courses that say CONFIRMED are guaranteed to run. Other courses may be canceled unless there is sufficient enrollment. A final decision on these courses will be made on Tuesday, June 4.

If your course is canceled, you can select another course or receive a refund.

Thai cuisine is a simple yet clever combination of Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined to create this “explosion of flavors.” Sour, sweet, salty, bitter, and spicy flavors make each dish come alive. To cover as much as possible, the Thai Cuisine course groups the variety of Thai dishes into seven big groups: Soups, Appetizers, Salads, Main dishes, Curries, Desserts, and Street food. Indeed, the 24 dishes cooked during this course will give you the confidence to cook Thai food for your future college friends. For the best experience, we are limited to 16 students per class. 

The extended essay is the culmination of a long process: the final product is like the tip of a very deep iceberg. While you 'only' see 3,000 - 4,000 words in the end, hours of research, writing, editing, and reviewing lie below the surface. The extended essay is a unique opportunity to demonstrate skills that can be developed in any research environment where citing sources correctly and writing abstracts are foregrounded. By breaking down this enormous task into smaller, more manageable tasks, we will develop the skills necessary for a successful extended essay. This class, therefore, enhances the skills related to the extended essay by studying sample essays, understanding the criteria and assessment practices of IB examiners, and discovering a wide range of interests in EE-related topics. Remember that the extended essay cannot be written in one night or week. 'Practice makes perfect,' so developing these skills requires time and careful planning in a focused environment. The EE summer program aims to allow IB students to do just that.


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(Offers & details may be subject to change)

This course aims to enhance students' ability to understand and create literature. Students complete a series of writing workshops and develop a portfolio of completed writings, including drafts and revisions, which act as the basis for evaluation. Students will be engaged in reading and writing a range of literary genres. Students will be given time to write, think, and reflect; they will record their thoughts and ideas in their portfolios. Students should come to this class excited about writing in general and be prepared for a fair amount of reading and writing assignments.


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(Offers & details may be subject to change)

The general P.E. course follows SHAPE standards and covers a variety of units, including Net and Wall games, Invasion games, Target games, Strength and fitness, and Rhythmic activities. This dynamic course offers various activities and sports, such as Badminton, Pickleball, Strength training, flexibility exercises, Dodgeball, Handball, gym-based Strength training, Basketball, and Soccer, with the added Kickboxing activity. The course is tailored to each summer school cohort's needs and interests. To enhance engagement and meet the standards of each unit, two preferred sports or activities are selected to ensure an enjoyable learning experience for all summer school students.

The P.E. Volleyball course follows SHAPE standards and focuses on building skills and knowledge around Volleyball. In addition to conditioning and training, students will spend time learning strategies for volleyball, how to coach or captain a volleyball team, and general information about healthy habits for athletes.


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(Offers & details may be subject to change)

In the Software Development and Coding course, students will learn how to design and create software applications. This course is suitable for both beginners and experienced programmers. Experienced programmers will learn how to produce more advanced software projects. Students may learn Python, JavaScript, and Java depending on their background and interests. This course is project-based, so there will be no exams.


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(Offers & details may be subject to change)

This course is a foundation art program that can act as a prerequisite to all other art courses. It will introduce students to the elements of art through a series of exciting and engaging workshops. Students will explore a variety of media and techniques while enhancing their skills in drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, and 3D art. They will learn how to apply these elements of art in creating creative artwork that reflects their understanding of these concepts.