Youth Camps

Young Warriors Day Camp for youth ages 6-12 ($200)

***SOLD OUT***

June 25 to June 29, 2018; 8:30 am-3:30 pm

Young Warriors Day Camp is an introduction to the RAW experience, featuring movement and martial arts, survival and outdoor living skills, sword fighting, obstacle courses, gardening and cooking skills, arts and crafts, and the usual outdoor fun and adventure.

RAW Eco Warriors Camp for youth ages 6-12 ($200)

***Sold Out***

July 9 to July 13, 2018; 8:30 am-3:30 pm

RAW Eco Warrior Camp is five days of fun outside participating with nature through exploration and hands-on learning. Participants will engage in farm life, interacting with livestock and preparing food outdoors. They will learn about ecosystems, identify and use plants, discover interesting animals and their habitats, and enjoy playing in creeks and ponds. Of course there will be slip and slides, sword fights, and all the fun of RAW camp.

RAW Young Adventurer Camp for youth ages 6-12 ($250)

***SOLD OUT***

August 6 to August 10, 2018; 8:30 am-3:30 pm

After some training, guidance, and preparation, participants embark on a series of mini adventures, including scavenger hunts, wilderness treks, and role playing adventures involving swords, obstacle courses, martial arts, and survival skills. Young Adventure week will include an off camp trip where campers will enjoy a one hour horseback ride followed by a canoe trip down the Hocking River. Campers will be supervised at all times by a lifeguard certified RAW staff member with a 1 to 10 ratio

New to Rising Appalachia Day Camps? Check out our Day Camps page to learn about who we are and what we do at each camp.