Faculty: Mark Cetilia | Critic, D+M, E/FS |

Class meetings: Mondays 1:10 – 6:10 pm

Location: The Old Library (College Building Room 521)

Office hours: TBA, by appointment

Course website:

The site serves as a portfolio of ongoing and final student work. It also contains assignment handouts and relevant notes, links, and resources.

Google Group:

Please use this list to share information and ask questions of the group.


Programming Sound: Performance Systems focuses on programming and designing computer-based systems for sound art and music performance. Centered on the dataflow programming languages Max and Pure Data (Pd), the course will be of substantial benefit to students who desire a rigorous and fast-moving foundation in algorithmic approaches to sound design. The course simultaneously facilitates explorations in sound synthesis, audio signal processing, electronics, mobile platforms, gesture-based human computer interaction, and instrument building with microcontrollers and sensors. Coursework involves weekly readings / discussions, group performances, screenings / listening exercises, demonstrations, workshops, and project development time. The course emphasizes modularity and reuse of code. Students will present their work in a public concert during the last week of the semester.

Additional notes: In order to conduct work in this course, students will need a laptop computer running a recent Mac or Windows operating system. Previous programming experience is recommended, but not required. A mobile device capable of running iOS or Android is also recommended.


The course will include discussion of key historical works and texts, hands-on demonstrations, in-class projects, and skill- building labs, as well as critical engagement with new works by class members. Assignments will focus not only on the development of new technical skills, but on the development of a unique voice as a musician / performer / improviser in both solo and group settings. The course will culminate in midterm and final performance pieces that incorporate knowledge gained throughout the semester. As with learning any instrument, the more you practice, the better you will sound. An ensemble is only as strong as its weakest player, so you should be sure to build in time to practice on your own even for assignments that culminate in group works.


This is a studio course. Class sessions are 5 hours and will be primarily used for demos, workshops, assistance, and critique. We will always begin class in the Old Library (College Building Room 521). Some days, we may use a fabrication lab. Breaks will be announced depending on the plans for the day. Please be on time for the start of class and when returning from breaks.


Assignments & project. Your work this semester will be guided by a series of assignments and a final project. Please see the schedule later in this document for provisional due dates. Updates to the schedule will be announced in class and posted on the course website. It is your responsibility to take notes during lessons, discussions, and critiques. It is expected that you will utilize feedback given during critique to improve both the technical and conceptual aspects of your work throughout the semester.

Homework. Outside of class, you are required to complete homework. This includes readings, viewings, online submissions, and progress on projects. Please budget your time wisely; due dates are strict.

Be prepared. Be ready to workshop in class. Bring all necessary materials. This includes your laptop, tools, electronics components, and other materials as projects require.

Attention. Your full attention is required. Evidence of your attention includes maintaining focus during work sessions, participating in critiques and discussions, taking notes, and asking questions. Please refrain from phone calls, text messaging, and the use of social media sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) during class time.


Grounds for permanent dismissal from class:

  • Unexcused absence on the first day of class
  • 2 or more absences any time during semester
  • Repeat tardiness or routine disappearance from class
  • Failure to honor academic policies or standards of conduct

Mutual respect & common sense. Course conduct can be summarized with these two principles. Please maintain civility and respect the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of your classmates and all those we interact with during the semester.

Academic policies & standards of conduct. Your participation and projects must abide by the following:

  1. RISD Academic Code of Conduct:
  2. RISD Code of Student Conduct:
  3. An Installation Site Permit is required for projects that require the use of non-classroom space or that could potentially pose a safety risk. A form is available here with further details:
  4. Projects may not pose hazards that threaten or cause physical harm to yourself or others.
  5. Projects may not cause damage to studio, shop, and lab equipment or school facilities.

Safe working. Always be concerned with your health and safety, and that of others. Pay close attention to demonstrations in class regarding the safe use of tools and materials. Heed posted warnings and instructions, and read the labels on materials. Take note of emergency exits, classroom phones, and first aid kits. Many art materials contain ingredients that are hazardous. Take suitable precautions so as to avoid skin contact, fume inhalation, or accidental ingestion when handling. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly after working and before eating. Be aware that all tools and materials carry some level of danger... some less obvious than others. In this class we will be working with soldering irons. There are specific hazards to take note of, which I will discuss in class demonstrations.

Attendance policies.

  1. Attendance is mandatory.
  2. Prompt (on-time) arrival to class is expected.
  3. The only recognized excuses for absences or tardiness are in the case of serious illness, religious observance, or family emergency. If you must miss class for any reason, notify me as soon as possible.
  4. In an event where excused absences become excessive, you may be required to withdraw from the course.
  5. Please be aware that a student with 2 or more absences may be withdrawn from class. If you are not withdrawn due to absences, you can expect grade reductions.
  6. Arriving to class late (tardiness) is not acceptable. Returning late after breaks is also considered tardiness. Tardiness will be counted as a full or partial absence.
  7. You may not leave class during class time unless given permission. Disappearance from class will be counted as a full or partial absence.
  8. Should you miss class for any reason, you are responsible for gathering missed material, making up assignments, and getting back on track with the class. You must take initiative and discuss your absence with me.

Cleanliness & community. Our classroom, shops, and labs are community studios. When working, be responsible and considerate of others. Do not leave your work unattended. Leave work areas clean. Prepare your work area so as not to mark or damage tables and walls. Dispose of waste in proper containers. Please do not eat in class. Food is not permitted in the classroom. This is a matter of safety. We will be working with solder which contains metals that should NOT be in proximity to food (eating and soldering are a bad combination). You may have a drink with lid (such as a bottle of water, coffee, etc.), but be careful where you place it. Spills happen. Mind your belongings. Do a second check before you leave the studio to make sure you have all of your supplies and work at the end of the day. Clean up your area before you leave (dispose of coffee cups, etc.).

Disability support. Disability Support Services assists RISD students who have either cognitive (learning) or physical disabilities. If you believe that you have a physical or cognitive disability that may impact your academic standing and requires an accommodation, please see this link for more information:


Final grade calculation

Factor                Percentage
Participation          15%
Group Performances     20%
Midterm Project        25%
Final Project          30%
Documentation          10%

Final grades are based on your attendance, participation, work-in-progress, the completion of assignments, and a final project. There are two times during the semester when you will receive a grade via WebAdvisor, at the Midterm and for your Final. A Midterm grade is either an S for satisfactory or a U for unsatisfactory. If receiving a U, you will get a report as to why this grade has been assigned. An automatic U will be given if absences or tardiness occur in the first half of the semester.

Be aware that completing all assignments on time and having perfect attendance is expected and only assures you of a passing grade. In order for you to earn high grades, it will require intense commitment to your work. Experiment, work diligently, and make progress.

In terms of assignment grading, there are several factors taken into consideration:

  1. Response to the guidelines and goals of assignments, including bridging to personal concepts (20%)
  2. Troubleshooting, experimentation, and going beyond minimum requirements (20%)
  3. Effort, technique, craft, and care for your work’s presentation (20%)
  4. Consideration of critique. Demonstrated technical and conceptual progress (20%)
  5. Meeting deadlines, submitting work properly and on time (20%)

Assignment grading scale

Letter  Percentage  Points    Scale    Note
A       ≥ 90%       18−20     4.00     Excellent 
A-      ≥ 85%       17        3.70     Excellent 
B+      ≥ 80%       16        3.30     Good
B       ≥ 75%       15        3.00     Good
B-      ≥ 70%       14        2.70     Good
C+      ≥ 65%       13        2.30     Satisfactory
C       ≥ 60%       12        2.00     Satisfactory
C-      ≥ 55%       11        1.70     Satisfactory
D+      ≥ 50%       10        1.30     Below average
D       ≥ 45%       9         1.00     Below average 
F       ≤ 45%       0−8       0.00     Not sufficient 
I       ≤ 45%       0−8       0.00     Incomplete 


187 Benefit. The Division of Experimental & Foundation Studies has a digital fabrication facility at 187 Benefit St. Soldering stations at 187 Benefit are available for your use on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please use these soldering stations when working outside of class. The laser cutters and 3d printers in this space may also be made available for use during some class sessions and additional reserved times later in the semester. Please note that this equipment is NOT available for regular, individual sign-up for members of this class. This equipment is heavily used by first-year courses, so it can only be accessed during our allotted times under monitor or faculty supervision.

Laptop. You will need a laptop in order to conduct work in this course. All software is available for Mac and Windows.

Electronics kits. Your course fee has gone towards purchasing Bela boards and electronics components which will be distributed throughout the semester; once distributed, please bring these items to class every class session (unless otherwise specified).

Your kits should contain enough components for you to work with; however, should you need to purchase additional items, the following retailers are recommended:



Other equipment & supplies:

Other items may be needed as your projects require. Please purchase the following if you do not already own them:

  • Toolbox (for your electronics components and tools)
  • Safety glasses
  • Headphones

Optional (mileage may vary):

  • Off-the-shelf USB MIDI keyboards & control surfaces
  • USB human interface devices: mice, gamepads, etc.

Texts. Readings will be assigned throughout the session to augment lessons. These will be available on the course website.

Computer programs. Max and Pure Data (Pd) will be the common languages for all course participants. There are variants of Pd. We will work with Pd-vanilla. Do not use Pd-extended; it is no longer supported, and will not function within the context of the embedded and mobile environments we will be utilizing. A 30-day demo license of Max 7 is available for free via Cycling ’74; you will only be required to use Max for the first 4 weeks, so depending on what you want to do for your final project, you may be able to get by without purchasing a license (if you have not already previously used a demo license on your computer). However, I would strongly encourage purchasing a license so that you have the most options available to you. Max is very flexible and its potential uses are far-ranging. You can purchase a monthly subscription for $9.99; academic licenses are available at significant discounts as well: a yearly academic subscription is only $59, while a full purchase of an academic license is $250.


Provisional, summarized schedule. Updates and further details will be posted on course website and announced in class.

WEEK 1 (9/11)

Introduction / Max Interface Basics

WEEK 2 (9/18)

Max Workshop 1: Synthesis Primer

Reading Due: Jennie Gottschalk – Defining Features of Experimental Music

WEEK 3 (9/25)

Group Performance 1: Synthesis: Amalgam, Fusion, Composite, Blend

Max Workshop 2: Digital Audio Fundamentals

Reading Due: Kim Cascone – The Aesthetics of Failure: “Post-Digital” Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music

WEEK 4 (10/2)

Group Performance 2: Fail, Fail Again

Max Workshop 3: Automation and Trickery

Reading Due: Donella Meadows – Dancing with Systems, Jack Burnham – Systems Esthetics

WEEK 5 (10/9)

Group Performance 3: Systems: Theory and Practice

Max Workshop 4: Spatialization Techniques

Reading Due: Barry Blesser and Linda-Ruth Salter – The Other Half of the Soundscape

WEEK 6 (10/16)

Midterm: Clearing Space

Performances and Critiques

WEEK 7 (10/23)

Pd Workshop 1: Introduction to Pure Data for Mobile Devices

Reading Due: Joel Ryan – As If By Magic: Some Remarks on Musical Instrument Design at STEIM

WEEK 8 (10/30)

Group Performance 4: Making the Most of It

Pd Workshop 2: Introduction to Pure Data on the Bela Platform

Reading Due: Liz Kotz – Circuit and Score

WEEK 9 (11/6)

Group Performance 5: Circuit and Score

Pd Workshop 3: Bela’s Dead, Long Live Bela

Final Project Proposals (Written / Presentation)

WEEK 10 (11/13)

Final Project Proof of Concept / Work Day

WEEK 11 (11/20)

No Class (Community / Development Day)

WEEK 12 (11/27)

Final Project Previews / Work Day

WEEK 13 (12/4)

Final Crits


The class concert will be in the Old Library, College Building 521 on Saturday 12/9. We have the room reserved from 1:00 – 10:00 pm for sound check, run-through, and the concert; the final schedule will be announced by e-mail. Doors will open for the concert at 7:45 pm; the concert will start at 8:00 pm.


Documentation due via Google Drive – last day of Fall term.