

Guidance on pupils' wellbeing 

Who can help?     Mrs L Coles          lcoles@riscacom.net

Here at RCCS we prioritise supporting wellbeing above all else and this approach has formed a central part of our planning. We have an extensive team of staff dedicated to supporting our school community who are on hand to provide guidance and assistance, so if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant member of staff. 

The key message is that we are here to help. No-one should suffer in silence; if your wellbeing is suffering, please make sure that you tell someone. The email addresses of the wellbeing team are listed below and there is also a list of contacts that you may find helpful. 

There is lots more information below, covering issues surrounding wellbeing, support available, free school meals, uniform and equipment grants, additional learning needs and more. Please do take the time to have a look.

Stay safe and look after your physical and mental wellbeing.

Mrs L Coles

Assistant Headteacher


The Wellbeing Team

Wellbeing Lead: Mrs L Coles- lcoles@riscacom.net

Year 7 - Mr G Williams- gwilliams@riscacom.net

Year 8 - Ms S Rouille- srouille@riscacom.net

Year 9 - Mr H Lloyd-  hlloyd@riscacom.net

Year 10 - Mr J Knott- jknott@riscacom.net

Year 11 - Mrs H Weston- hweston@riscacom.net

Form Tutors-  click here

Safeguarding/Child Protection Officer: Mr S Canavan safeguarding@riscacom.net 

Wellbeing Support Team: Miss S Reader & Miss L Cowell sreader@riscacom.net & lcowell@riscacom.net 

Wellbeing and Attendance Support Officer: Mrs M Madden mmadden@riscacom.net  

ALNCo.: Ms M Lewis- mlewis@riscacom.net

Accessing Support

Please use the email addresses above to contact the relevant member of staff should you feel that you need to. 

If you your child is not already receiving free school meals and you would like to apply, please use the button below  to visit the local authority's free school meals webpage for details and how to apply. If eligible, your child's meals will be included in the next week's delivery. 

If your child is currently eligible for free school meals, is registered as CLA or attends our ASC specialist resource base, then you should be eligible for a grant to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school for your child. The grant is £200 for pupils entering Year 7 and £125 from pupils entering Year 10. Even if you have already purchased the uniform or equipment this grant can be awarded retrospectively to refund the cost.

Young Carers

At RCCS were are keen to support our pupils who have caring responsibilities at home. If you suspect that you, or someone you know, may be a young carer, please let us know. We can be contacted on our dedicated email address; youngcarers@riscacom.net or contact can be made with Mr Canavan at the school on 01633 612425.

Additional Learning Needs

Mrs Coles is our Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) and has a team of staff who will be supporting our pupils with additional learning needs. 

If you have any queries regarding ALN, please contact Mrs Coles at lcoles@riscacom.net 



Ring Free: 0800 1111 

Website: www.childline.org.uk   

You can talk to other people in the message boards anonymously and get support with all sorts of things like family worries, eating problems, self-harm, phobias, puberty, hobbies, relationships and much more. Childline has information to help you with all sorts of worries.

Young Minds

Text: 85258 

Website: www.youngminds.org.uk  

This anonymous text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. The service address issues such as: suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying or relationship issues. 

Caerphilly Education Welfare Service

Call: 014423 866689 or 01443 866657

Email: educationwelfare@caerphilly.gov.uk

Private message on Twitter: https://twitter.com/welfareccbc 

This has been set up to support pupils and take to them one-to-one about their concerns during the pandemic. pupils are able to contact directly. 

Caerphilly Autistic Spectrum Service (CASS)

Call: 07765401031 or 07765406995 Mon - Fri, 10am - 3pm.

Website: https://asdinfowales.co.uk/caerphilly-autistic-spectrum-service-cass/ 

This service is available while schools are closed to offer advice, possible strategies or a listening ear.

School Nurses Daily Contact Line

Call: 07500 124208 (10am - 2pm)

Facebook: @SchoolnursingABUHB

Twitter: @SchoolUhb

This service is available for parents & carers, schools, children and young people. Contact for advice and support on general health and physical and mental wellbeing.

Shelter Cymru

Call: 08000 495 495 

Website: https://sheltercymru.org.uk/get-advice/coronavirus-advice-for-young-people/ 

This service provides help and advice for young people who are concerned that they may be at risk of becoming homeless.

Relationships and Sexual Education

Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) is a statutory requirement in the Curriculum for Wales framework and is mandatory for all learners from ages 3 to 16.

RSE has a positive and empowering role in learners’ education and plays a vital role in supporting them to realise the four purposes as part of a whole-school approach. Helping learners to form and maintain a range of relationships, all based on mutual trust and respect, is the foundation of RSE. These relationships are critical to the development of emotional well-being, resilience and empathy. An understanding of sexuality with an emphasis on rights, health, equality and equity empowers learners to understand themselves, take responsibility for their own decisions and behaviours, and form relationships that are fully inclusive, reflecting diversity and promoting respect.

You can find the school's RSE policy here.