Career Transitions

AZ Pipeline- Explore Careers and Fields of Interest 

Learn how your passions and skills match with available career pathways

Step 1: Visit AZ Pipeline-MCCCD and Register 

Step 2: Take the Interests Assessment

Step 3: Explore your assessment results 

Interested in exploring your results more? Visit the Career Training page to learn about current program offerings or schedule a DRIFT virtual meeting with your location's College and Career Navigator

Meet Rio's Adult Education College and Career Navigators!

Adam Wetterhan

Erin Manning

Guadalupe Parra

Marizol Singleton

Therese Paetschow

Rodney Bennett

Meet Rio's Adult Education Career Coordinator!

Career Training Co-Enrollment Steps 

To complete your required steps for the co-enrollment process for credit career training programs, please click the image above for step-by-step instructions. 

*You should have been directed to complete these steps by a Career Navigator.*

Additional Resources provided by Rio's Counseling Services

Finding a Career Path Website

This website can help with:

Career Assessment & Research

Resumé  Resources

Resumé  and Cover Letter Resources

Develop Interview Skills

Interview Skills Resources 

Start Networking

Start Networking 

About EDGE

Search the Full EDGE Course Catalog HERE

(view below for just a few of the course titles offered on EDGE) 

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