Career Training Application Prep  Steps

To complete your admissions into your career training program you will need to complete each of the steps below. 

If you have questions or need help with any of the steps please contact your College and Career Navigator by email or schedule a 1:1 VIRTUAL appointment

Directions and steps are also outlined in your College and Career Prep class Canvas course. If you need a quick overview you can view the slidedeck. 

Step 1: Complete O*NET Interest Profile 

Task 1:  O*Net

Complete the O*Net Interest Profiler at My Next Move

Task 2: Submit your O*Net Results

Click to SUBMIT your O*Net Results link/URL

Task 3: Contact your Career Navigator

Send an email to your Career Navigator letting them know you have submitted your O*Net results

Step 2: ARIZONA@WORK- Job Connection Account Registration

Task 1:  Go to the Arizona Job Connection website and register:

Note: If you do not have a resume to upload, do not worry. Complete as much as you can then save what you’ve done.

Task 2: Submit your completion statement

Click to SUBMIT your completion statement

Task 3: Write down the username and password you used to create your account

You will need to have this later on to finalize your enrollment. 

Task 4: Contact your Career Navigator

Send an email to your Career Navigator letting them know you have completed your AZ Job Connection registration.

Step 3: EDGE Modules - Complete only the 6 listed 

EDGE Modules 

(complete the 6 modules listed to receive your required certification from Arizona State University)

You can also complete these in the free mobile app: 

Task 3: Submit your certificate of completion 

You need to submit all 6 certificates of completion. 

You can submit after each module 

Click to SUBMIT certificate of completion 

Task 4: Contact your Career Navigator

Send an email to your Career Navigator letting them know you have submitted all 6 EDGE certificates of completion

Step 4: Career Services Webinars

Task 1: Career Services Webinars

Watch each of the pre-recorded webinars 

Task 2: Submit your completion statement

Click to SUBMIT your completion statement

Task 3: Contact your Career Navigator

Send an email to your Career Navigator letting them know you have watched the career services webinars

Step 5: Program Acknowledgement

Task 1: Submit your Program Acknowledgment

Click to SUBMIT your program acknowledgment

Task 2: Contact your Career Navigator

Send an email to your Career Navigator letting them know you have submitted your program acknowledgment

Step 6: Schedule your 1:1 with your navigator to get admitted into the program

Now that you have submitted Steps 1-4 it is time to get officially admitted into the college and enrolled in the program. You and your College and Career Navigator need to do this together.

Task 1: Schedule your 1:1 Drift Appointment with a navigator

Click to Schedule your 1:1 Virtual appointment *Pick the soonest date you have available. 

Task 2: Confirm you can successfully log into your Maricopa Email

Visit Rio's Student Resources and log into your email. If you are having issues contact the Rio Help Desk at 480-517-8600

Make sure you contact your career navigator when you have completed each of the steps. 

If you have questions or need help with any of the steps please contact your College and Career Navigator by email or schedule a 1:1 VIRTUAL appointment