Weekly Schedule

Important Times in our Day

 8:45am ~  Breakfast

 8:50am ~  Students begin to arrive to class

 9:05am ~  Class begins*

11:00am ~  Lunch recess

11:20pm ~  Lunch

 1:30am ~  Afternoon Recess

 3:35pm ~  Dismissal

*Late Start Wednesday - Every Wednesday is a 1-hour late start. School will start at 10:05am. 

Arts Block

Arts Block is a special time in our day where students will enjoy time in either Music, Art, P.E., and Library.

Our class has Library on Tuesdays with our librarian Mrs. Roth. It is a very important part of learning responsibility to take care of their book(s) and bring them back to school before or on Library Day. Students will carry their books home in their backpacks and return them to the library bin located in our classroom.

Our class will have P.E. and Music on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please dress your child in appropriate shoes on these days fro P.E. Students will have Art of Fridays.


Lunch for our class is from 11:20am-11:40am and lunch recess is before that from 11:00am-11:20am. Students have the option of either bringing a lunch from home or getting a lunch here at school. Regardless which option you choose for your child each day, it is important your child is able to communicate their choice so that I can get an accurate count.  

I would also recommend talking to your child about the importance of eating while in the lunchroom. Friends are fun to talk to, but they also become a distraction when trying to eat lunch. Recess is also a big motivator in eating quickly, or not much at all so please stress the importance of using this time wisely.


Our lunchtime is at 11:20am each day and students are very hungry by the afternoon. Please make sure your child brings a healthy snack to school for the afternoon. I also appreciate any snack donations throughout the year for students who do not have a snack at school.