The place to learn, discover, engage, and imagine!

online homework help, tutoring and test prep at

Real-Time Tutoring: 24 hours a day, seven days a week for English and Spanish speakers. Connect with a tutor on a variety of subjects, test prep assistance, or parent coaching. An account is not necessary to use this service.

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South Carolina Young Adult Book Award Nominees 

Students: To be eligible to vote for your favorite book, you must read at least three of the nominee titles. Voting takes place in February.

SVHS SC YABA 2023-2024

New Year, New You

Welcome back to school year 2023-2024!  We are so glad you are here. Make this the year to rediscover, re-engage, and reimagine your path to success!  The  ‘Brary is just the place to begin your quest for the new you 2.0!  We are here to help you shed unproductive energy and focus on your future.  We have a lot of resources and support to help you design your future. We can help you make this your best year yet.  So keep your focus trained on your windshield not your rearview mirror and forge ahead a firm plan in place to begin the year with a fresh start.

The ‘Brary Is Your Headquarters for Success!

SVHS library catalog
Richland Library

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