25-26 AVID elective Application/Interview

Please email Mrs. S-Wood with any questions msansonetti@richland2.org

ROUND 1 - 2025-2026 Applications

Students will do the following: 

All applications are due by Friday, March 10, 2025

The interview process contains 3 steps:

The teacher recommendations, the recorded interview and essay prompt deadline are due 2 weeks after your email is sent for the Interview. 

Due to the time limit, no LATE submissions will be accepted. 

Letters of admission will go out after the digital interview is complete and scored. See dates above.

**Please note, students must live in the RNHS zone. If students wish to apply for magnets and want to be in AVID, please encourage them to apply for both. If spaces are still available, a new round of applications will begin in late April.**