Habitats: Gardens

Parent volunteers built our flower/garden boxes for us. Or K-2 students have worked hard to prepare an area and help build flower/garden boxes. Our K-2 students are very proud of all their hard work! Students have added the composted soil from our compost pile into the flower/garden boxes. They are anxiously awaiting their flowers to begin blooming!

We have learned a lot over the last 6 years!

painting flower box
painting side of flower box
teaching a class about what we grow in flower boxes
4H mentor teaching
planting in flower box
butterfly on flower

Nature Club students planted flowers in the courtyard area. Our PreK and Second grade classes release their butterflies into the courtyards!

We have also worked hard to beautify our school grounds by collecting trash, planting flowers, adding color to the area, adding picnic tables and art created by nature club students.

Spring 2017, we were able to add a rain erosion garden. We hosted a workshop for community members to come and learn more about creating and maintaining a rain garden. Attendees and students worked together to build the rain erosion garden. Nature club students are now taking care of the plants. We are really excited about our new project!

lesson on erosion
spreading mulch
working on rain garden
putting up bird feeders
success garden completed
collage of garden beds

Students had a blast planting some fall mums, bulbs and vegetables. We can't wait to watch them grow!