Physical Education Policies

Printable Forms


Playground Authorization


P.E. Uniform Order Form

Below you will find all policies for participation in Rhodes physical education.

K-2 Grading Policy

Kindergarten through second grade students are graded on a 1-3 scale. One means "Needs Improvement", two means "Satisfactory" and three means "Outstanding." Students are required to wear gym/tennis shoes when participating in physical education daily.

3-4 Grading Policy

Third and fourth grade students are graded on a 0-100% scale. They may receive five points daily with the maximum weekly amount at twenty-five. Though they are not yet required to dress in a PE uniform, they also must wear appropriate gym/tennis shoes when participating in physical education. If they are not dressed in proper shoes and must sit out, they lose two out of the five daily points each of the first five occurrences. Following the first five occurrences, they receive a zero each day they are not in appropriate attire. This policy resets at the beginning of each school quarter.

5-8 Grading

Fifth through eighth grade students are graded on a 0-100% scale. They may receive five points daily with the maximum weekly amount earned being twenty-five. They must fully dress in a Rhodes physical education uniform daily. If they are not dressed in their Rhodes uniform they may still participate for the first five occurrences and lose two out of the five daily points. Following the first five occurrences, they receive a zero each day they are not in appropriate attire and must sit out of the activity. This policy resets at the beginning of each school quarter.

Doctor's Notes

Doctor's notes preventing students from participating in physical education or other school related activities must be sent to the school nurse. The nurse will then provide the appropriate documentation informing your student's physical education teacher how long they may be excused from participating. Our teachers will always follow the doctor's instructions 100% to prevent re-injury and unsafe situations. Students will not be allowed to participate until receiving clearance from the doctor or school nurse.

Parent's Notes

Parent notes may be given to your student's physical education teacher directly and will allow your student to be excused from physical education for a maximum of three school days. However, after three school days our teachers will need another note from the parent or a doctor to allow the student to continue to be excused.

Weather Policy

Students participating in physical education may be required to participate in class outside of school. Our soccer, softball and flag football units are examples of this policy. Please note that students will not be required to go outside when it is below 50°. Students are permitted to wear sweatshirts or coats over their Rhodes physical education uniforms in order to be comfortable.